Bromethan Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Die D?mpfe sind schwerer als Luft und k?nnen sich am Boden ausbreiten. Fernzündung m?glich.
Zersetzung beim Verbrennen unter Bildung giftiger und ?tzender Gase. Reagiert sehr heftig mit Oxidationsmitteln. Greift Kunststoff und Gummi an.
TLV: 5 ppm; (als TWA); Hautresorption; Krebskategorie A3 (best?tigte krebserzeugende Wirkung beim Tier mit unbekannter Bedeutung für den Menschen); (ACGIH 2005).
MAK: Hautresorption; Krebserzeugend Kategorie 2; (DFG 2006).
Aufnahme in den K?rper durch Inhalation und durch Verschlucken.
Beim Verdampfen bei 20°C kann sehr schnell eine gesundheitssch?dliche Kontamination der Luft eintreten.
WIRKUNGEN BEI KURZZEITEXPOSITION: Die Substanz reizt die Augen. M?glich sind Auswirkungen auf das Zentralnervensystem. Exposition kann zu Bewusstlosigkeit führen.
Gefahrenbereich verlassen! Fachmann zu Rate ziehen! Zündquellen entfernen. Belüftung. Ausgelaufene Flüssigkeit in abdichtbaren Metallbeh?ltern sammeln. Reste mit Sand oder inertem Absorptionsmittel aufnehmen und an einen sicheren Ort bringen. Chemikalienschutzanzug mit umgebungsluftunabh?ngigem Atemschutzger?t.
R-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
R20/22:Gesundheitssch?dlich beim Einatmen und Verschlucken.
R40:Verdacht auf krebserzeugende Wirkung.
S-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
S36/37:Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzkleidung tragen.
Aussehen Eigenschaften
C2H5Br; Ethylbromid, Bromethyl; farblose bis gelbliche, leicht flüchtige, etherisch riechende Flüssigkeit.
Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt
Die Dämpfe sind viel schwerer als Luft und können mit Luft schwer entzündbare explosionsfähige Gemische bilden.
Gesundheitsschädlich beim Verschlucken, Einatmen und Hautkontakt. Reizt Augen, Atmungsorgane und die Haut. Bromethan besitzt rasche narkotisierende Wirkung. Bewirkt Hautentzündungen. Leber-, Lungen- und Nierenschäden durch Hautresorption möglich.
Carcinogene Wirkung im Tierversuch eindeutig nachgewiesen.
Wassergefährdender Stoff.
Schutzma?nahmen und Verhaltensregeln
Schutzhandschuhe aus Neopren (nur als kurzzeitiger Spritzschutz).
Verhalten im Gefahrfall
Mit flüssigkeitsbindenden Material (Sand, Kieselgur, Rench-Rapid) aufnehmen. Als Sondermüll entsorgen. Nachreinigen. Dämpfe nicht einatmen.
Bei Brand CO
2-, Pulverlöscher oder Wasser im Sprühstrahl (kein Vollstrahl) einsetzen. Größeren Brand mit Sprühwasser bekämpfen. Erhitzen führt zur Drucksteigerung, Berst- und Explosionsgefahr.
Bildung von Bromwasserstoff.
Erste Hilfe
Nach Hautkontakt: Gründlich mit viel Wasser und Seife reinigen.
Nach Augenkontakt: Mit viel Wasser mindestens 10 Minuten bei geöffnetem Lidspalt spülen. Augenarzt aufsuchen.
Nach Einatmen: Frischluft. Arzt konsultieren.
Nach Verschlucken: Viel Wasser trinken lassen. Sofort Arzt aufsuchen.
Nach Kleidungskontakt: Kontaminierte Kleidung sofort ausziehen.
Ersthelfer: siehe gesonderten Anschlag
Sachgerechte Entsorgung
Als Sondermüll entsorgen.
Ethyl bromide is a colorless to yellow liquid that becomes a gas
at temperatures above 101 °F (38 ℃). Ethyl bromide has an
etherlike odor and a burning taste. Ethyl bromide is miscible
with alcohols, ether, chloroform, and organic solvents; its water
solubility is 9000 mg l-1 at 25 ℃. Ethyl bromide’s vapor
density relative to air is 3.76.
Chemische Eigenschaften
Bromoethane is a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid. When exposed to air and light, it turns yellow. It has an ethereal odor and somewhat burning taste. Bromoethane has a specific gravity of 1.4505 between 4° and 25°C, a boiling point of 38.4°C, a melting point of -119°C, and a vapor pressure of 475 mm mercury at 25°C. It is 0.91% (w/w) soluble in water at 20°C and is miscible with ethanol, ethyl ether, chloroform, and other organic solvents. It has a flash point of -20°C (closed cup). The autoignition temperature is 511°C. The flammable limits in air are between 6.7570 and 11.25%. Although bromoethane is relatively stable, when heated to decomposition it emits highly toxic fumes of bromine and hydrobromide; it can react with oxidizing materials (ITII, 1979; Sittig, 1979; Torkelson and Rowe, 1981; Merck, 1983; Sax, 1984).
Physikalische Eigenschaften
Clear, colorless to yellow, volatile liquid with an ether-like odor. Odor threshold concentration is
3.1 ppm (quoted, Amoore and Hautala, 1983).
Bromoethane is an alkylating agent primarily used as a chemical intermediate in organic synthesis, in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, and for the ethylation of gasoline. To a lesser extent, it has been used as a fruit and grain fumigant, refrigerant, and solvent. Although proposed occasionally as a general anesthetic in the earlier part of this century, it has not been used to any extent for this purpose (Sayers et al., 1929; Abreu et al., 1939; ITII, 1979; Sittig, 1979; Torkelson and Rowe, 1981;Merck, 1983).
ChEBI: Bromoethane is a bromoalkane that is ethane carrying a bromo substituent. It is an alkylating agent used as a chemical intermediate in various organic syntheses. It has a role as a carcinogenic agent, a solvent, a refrigerant, a local anaesthetic and an alkylating agent. It is a bromoalkane, a bromohydrocarbon and a volatile organic compound.
Bromoethane is produced by the reaction of either hydrogen or potassium bromide with cold ethanol or with ethylene and sulfuric acid (Hawley, 1977; Sittig, 1979; Merck, 1983). It is commercially available at greater than 99% purity. Production from two U.S. manufacturers was estimated at 163.5 million pounds in 1986 (CSITC, 1987); no recent import and export information was available in the literature.
Allgemeine Beschreibung
A colorless volatile liquid. Slightly soluble in water and denser than water. Flash point below 0°F. Vapors are heavier than air. Toxic by inhalation. Irritates skin and eyes. Used to make pharmaceuticals and as a solvent.
Air & Water Reaktionen
Highly flammable. Slightly soluble in water and denser than water. Turns yellow on exposure to air and light.
Reaktivit?t anzeigen
Bromoethane will react with steam to produce toxic and corrosive fumes. Bromoethane can react vigorously with oxidizers. Bromoethane reacts with strong bases. Bromoethane also reacts with chemically active metals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, powdered aluminum, zinc and magnesium. Bromoethane will attack some forms of plastics, rubber and coatings.
Toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin
absorption; strong irritant. Questionable carcinogen. Flammable, dangerous fire hazard, explosion
limits in air 6–11%.
Health Hazard
Ethyl bromide is a depressant of the centralnervous system, causing narcosis. The healthhazard is greater than with ethyl chloride.In addition to the narcotic effects that occurat exposure to high concentrations, othertoxic symptoms include irritation of the eyesand respiratory tract, pulmonary edema, fattydegeneration of the liver and renal tissue, anddamage to the liver, kidney, and intestine. A15-minute exposure to a 15% concentrationof vapor in air was lethal to rats. The oralLD50 value in rats is 1350 mg (NIOSH 1986).
HIGHLY FLAMMABLE: Will be easily ignited by heat, sparks or flames. Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. Most vapors are heavier than air. They will spread along ground and collect in low or confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). Vapor explosion and poison hazard indoors, outdoors or in sewers. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. Containers may explode when heated. Many liquids are lighter than water.
Confirmed carcinogen.
Moderately toxic by ingestion and
intraperitoneal routes. Mddly toxic by
inhalation. An eye and skin irritant.
Physiologically, it is an anesthetic and
narcotic. Its vapors are markedly irritating to
the lungs on inhalation for even short
periods. It can produce acute congestion
and edema. Liver and ludney damage in
humans has been reported. It is much less
toxic than methyl bromide, but more toxic
than ethyl chloride. It is a preparative
hazard. Dangerously flammable by heat,
open flame (sparks), oxidizers. Moderately
explosive when exposed to flame. Reacts
with water or steam to produce toxic and
corrosive fumes. Vigorous reaction with
oxidizing materials. To fight fire, use CO2,
dry chemical. Ready decomposes when
heated to emit toxic fumes of Br-. See also
m?gliche Exposition
This chemical is used as an industrial
chemical, pharmaceutical, and veterinary drug; as an ethylating agent in organic synthesis and gasoline; as a refrigerant; and as an extraction solvent. It has limited use as a
local anesthetic
This chemical is considered to
be an animal carcinogen with unknown relevance to humans.
There is no EPA (IRIS) file.
In the lifetime carcinogenic/toxicology study, groups
of rats and mice were exposed 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 104
weeks to 0, 100, 200, or 400 ppm by inhalation. Survival of
rats was unaffected or in the case of the 100 ppm female rats
was significantly above the control group. Body weights
were also unaffected.
Likewise survival of mice was little affected by exposure
except for a decrease in survival at 400 ppm in female mice,
which also had body weights 6–16% lower than controls after
29 weeks. No clinical signs were apparent in any group, but
at autopsy there was evidence of respiratory irritation at
400 ppm. It was concluded that there was clear evidence
of an increase in neoplasms (endometrial adenomas,adenocarcinomas, and squamous cell carcinomas) in the uteri
of female mice. The tumors contributed to the decreased
survival of the female mice exposed to 400 ppm. The terminal
rats of uterine tumors were 0, 3, 14, and 61% in the 0, 100,
200, and 400 ppm groups.
There was equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity in
the lungs of male mice, and a marginally increased incidence
of neoplasms in the brain and lungs of female rats. Male
rats were considered to have some evidence of a slightly
increased incidence of tumors in the adrenals, brain, and
lungs. Although there was a clear dose–response relationship
in female mice, the dose response in male mice and rats of
both sexes was not as clear.
UN1891 Ethyl bromide, Hazard Class: 6.1;
Labels: 6.1-Poisonous materials.
l?uterung methode
The main impurities are usually EtOH and water, both of which form azeotropes with it. Ethanol and unsaturated compounds can be removed by washing with conc H2SO4 until no further coloration is produced. The ethyl bromide is then washed with water, aqueous Na2CO3, and water again, then dried with CaCl2, MgSO4 or CaH2, and distilled from P2O5. Olefinic impurities can also be removed by storing the ethyl bromide in daylight with elemental bromine, later removing the free bromine by extraction with dilute aqueous Na2SO3, drying the ethyl bromide with CaCl2 and fractionally distilling it. Alternatively, unsaturated compounds can be removed by bubbling oxygen containing ca 5% ozone through the liquid for an hour, then washing with aqueous Na2SO3 to hydrolyse ozonides and remove hydrolysis products, followed by drying and distillation. [Beilstein 1 IV 150.]
May form explosive mixture with air.
Hydrolyzes in water, forming hydrogen bromide (HBr).
Oxidizers may cause fire or explosions. Fire and explosions
may be caused by contact with chemically active metals:
aluminum, magnesium or zinc powders; lithium, potassium,
sodium. Attacks some plastic, rubber and coatings. Note:
Chlorinating agents destroy nitrogen mustards. Dry chlorinated lime and chloramines with a high content of active
chlorine, vigorously chlorinate nitrogen mustards to the carbon chain, giving low toxicity products. In the presence of
water this interaction proceeds less actively. They are rapidly oxidized by peracids in aqueous solution at weakly
alkaline pH. In acid solution the oxidation is much slower
Waste disposal
Controlled incineration with
adequate scrubbing and ash disposal facilities.
Bromethan Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte
1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate
Diethylene glycol diethyl ether
Disperse Blue SE-2R
α-(p-Aminophenyl)butyric acid