S23:Gas/Rauch/Dampf/Aerosol nicht einatmen(geeignete Bezeichnung(en) vom Hersteller anzugeben). S24/25:Berührung mit den Augen und der Haut vermeiden.
Albumin is a known carrier of fatty acids (FA). Thus control over specific FA′s for cell culture is important, as different cell lines can differ in their sensitivity to particular fatty acids. Fatty acid-free human serum albumin (HSA) is therefore useful for cell culture studies where specific fatty acid content must be strictly controlled, so that researchers can use particular fatty acids specific to their cell lines. Fatty acid-free albumin also allows for optimal and maximum binding sites for using specific fatty acids in cell culture. The use of FA-free HSA also addresses concerns about endogenous FA′s potentially in non-FA-free HSA.
Chemische Eigenschaften
Albumin from human serum has been used in the preparation of glycated human serum albumin (gHSA) in a glucose solution. It has also been used in the study to estimate the impact of surface nanotopography and chemical composition on blood compatibility.
Albumin from human serum has been used in the preparation of glycated human serum albumin (gHSA) in a glucose solution.
It has also been used in the study to estimate the impact of surface
nanotopography and chemical composition on blood compatibility. Albumin was used to test its effect on the in vitro bactericidal activity of cefditoren against penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumonia.
It has been clinically used in serious and often life-threatening
conditions, such as shock and blood loss due to trauma, burns, and
surgery. It was used also to test the effect of non-enzymatic glycation on the unfolding of human serum albumin.
Allgemeine Beschreibung
Prepared under non-denaturing conditions by a modification of the Cohn procedure.
Albumine, Human- Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte