Triethylaluminium Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
R-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
R14:Reagiert heftig mit Wasser.
R17:Selbstentzündlich an der Luft. Spontaneously flammable in air.
R20/21/22:Gesundheitssch?dlich beim Einatmen,Verschlucken und Berührung mit der Haut.
R34:Verursacht Ver?tzungen.
R67:D?mpfe k?nnen Schl?frigkeit und Benommenheit verursachen.
R65:Gesundheitssch?dlich: kann beim Verschlucken Lungensch?den verursachen.
R51/53:Giftig für Wasserorganismen, kann in Gew?ssern l?ngerfristig sch?dliche Wirkungen haben.
R63:Kann das Kind im Mutterleib m?glicherweise sch?digen.
R48/20:Gesundheitssch?dlich: Gefahr ernster Gesundheitssch?den bei l?ngerer Exposition durch Einatmen.
R62:Kann m?glicherweise die Fortpflanzungsf?higkeit beeintr?chtigen.
R14/15:Reagiert heftig mit Wasser unter Bildung hochentzündlicher Gase.
R23/24/25:Giftig beim Einatmen, Verschlucken und Berührung mit der Haut.
S-S?tze Betriebsanweisung:
S26:Bei Berührung mit den Augen sofort gründlich mit Wasser abspülen und Arzt konsultieren.
S45:Bei Unfall oder Unwohlsein sofort Arzt zuziehen (wenn m?glich, dieses Etikett vorzeigen).
S62:Bei Verschlucken kein Erbrechen herbeiführen. Sofort ?rztlichen Rat einholen und Verpackung oder dieses Etikett vorzeigen.
S36/37/39:Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzkleidung,Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzbrille/Gesichtsschutz tragen.
S24/25:Berührung mit den Augen und der Haut vermeiden.
S16:Von Zündquellen fernhalten - Nicht rauchen.
S43:Zum L?schen . . . (vom Hersteller anzugeben) verwenden (wenn Wasser die Gefahr erh?ht, anfügen: "Kein Wasser verwenden").
S61:Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. Besondere Anweisungen einholen/Sicherheitsdatenblatt zu Rate ziehen.
S33:Ma?nahmen gegen elektrostatische Aufladungen treffen.
S46:Bei Verschlucken sofort ?rztlichen Rat einholen und Verpackung oder Etikett vorzeigen.
Chemische Eigenschaften
Colorless liquid. Miscible with saturated hydrocarbons.
Triethylaluminum, in combination withmany transition metal complexes, is used as Ziegler-Natta polymerization and hydrogenationcatalyst. Also, it is used as intermediatein organic syntheses.
Vorbereitung Methode
In a typical example, a slurry is prepared containing 7 wt % aluminum powder (0.1 wt% zirconium catalyst content) and 45 wt% recycled triethylaluminum in a paraffin hydrocarbon fraction, boiling range 177 – 260 ℃. The slurry is pumped into the reactor at a rate of 1.5 m3/h, at a reactor temperature of 132 ℃, while hydrogen is introduced at the bottom to maintain a partial pressure of 10 MPa. Excess hydrogen is removed in flash drum, wherein pressure is decreased to 3 MPa and temperature is lowered to prevent thermal reversal of the reaction. In the ethylation reactor sufficient ethylene is added to react completely with the Al – H bonds. Temperature is held at around 85 ℃ or somewhat higher. The addition rate increases with temperature, but carboalumination of ethylene also can occur to formn-butyl groups, especially at higher temperatures. Hydrogen and ethylene partial pressure is kept low in ethylation reactor to minimize hydrogenation of ethylene to ethane and to reduce excess carboalumination products. Excess ethylene and hydrogen are removed in flash drum. A portion of the triethylaluminum product solution is recycled to reactor.
Allgemeine Beschreibung
A colorless liquid. Flammable gas is produced on contact with water.
Air & Water Reaktionen
Pyrophoric, ignites in moist air [Merck 11th ed. 1989]. Reacts violently with water.
Reaktivit?t anzeigen
Triethylaluminum reacts violently with water, alcohols, phenols, amines, carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, halogens, and halogenated hydrocarbons, causing fire and explosion hazards. [Handling Chemicals Safely 1980 p. 929]. A mixture of dimethylformamide and triethyl aluminum exploded when heated [Bretherick 1995].
Health Hazard
Exposure to smoke from fire causes metal-fume fever (flu-like symptoms). Since liquid ignites spontaneously, contact with eyes or skin causes severe burns.
Triethylaluminum is extremely pyrophoric,
igniting spontaneously in air. It reacts
violently with water, alcohol, halogenated
hydrocarbons, and oxidizing substances.
Among the alcohols, the lower alcohols,
methanol, ethanol, n- propanol, and
isopropyl alcohol, react explosively with
triethylaluminum. Reactions with lower
aldehydes, ketones and amides can be vigorous
to violent. It may explode on contact
with halocarbons in excess molar ratios or
upon slight warming. When heated to 200°C
(392°F), it decomposes, liberating ethylene
and hydrogen.
Extremely destructive
to living tissue. A very dangerous fire hazard
when exposed to heat or flame. Ignites
spontaneously in air. Explodes violently in
water. To fight fire, use CO2, dry sand, dry
chemical. Do not use water, foam, or
halogenated fire-fighting agents. Explosive
reaction with alcohols (e.g., methanol,
ethanol, propanol), carbon tetrachloride,
N,N-dmethylformamide + heat.
Incompatible with halogenated
hydrocarbons; triethyl borane. When heated
to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and
irritating fumes. See also ALUMINUM
m?gliche Exposition
Alkyl aluminum compounds are used as components of olefin polymerization catalysts. They are also used in the synthesis of higher primary alcohols and in pyrophoric fuels, as a catalyst in making ethylene gas; and in plating aluminum.
ntial fire or explosion hazard. Shipping: UN3399 Organometallic substance, liquid, water-reactive, flammable, Hazard Class: 4.3; Labels: 4.3
Dangerous Dangerous when wet material, 3-Flammable liquid, technical name Required. UN3051-Spontaneously combustible. Also, this material is dangerous when wet. (Note: this number does not appear in the 49/CFR HazMat tables).
l?uterung methode
Purify it by fractionation in an inert atmosphere under a vacuum in a 50cm column containing a heated nichrome spiral, taking the fraction b 112-114o/27mm. It is very sensitive to H2O and should be stored under N2. It should not contain chloride ions which can be shown by hydrolysis and testing with AgNO3. [Baker & Sisler J Am Chem Soc 75 4828 5193 1953, NMR: Brownstein et al. J Am Chem Soc 81 3826 1959, Beilstein 4 IV 4398.]
The lighter trialkylaluminums ignite spontaneously in air; can self-heat in the air at room temperature without any added energy and may ignite. These compounds are strong reducing agents. Incompatible with oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides. Incompatible with water, oxygen (air), acids, alcohols, phenols, amines, carbon dioxide; sulfur oxides; halogenated compounds, and many other substances
Waste disposal
Careful incineration
Triethylaluminium Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte