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ChemicalBook CAS DataBase List 1,4-Dithiane

1,4-Dithiane synthesis

12synthesis methods


Reaction Conditions:

with zirconium tetrahydroxide at 20 - 100; for 6 h;Sealed tube;Reagent/catalyst;


NeatHD(1 μL) was spiked onto the metal oxides (~40mg) inglass tubes, which were pre-filled with glass wool, metal oxides,and Teflon. Each sample was kept at room temperature for acertain time and then heated at 100°C for 3 min for thermaldegradation. The desorption was performed for 5 min at 250°Cusing a UNITY/ULTRA thermal desorption system (MarkesInternational, UK). The desorbed samples from each tube werethen transferred to GC-MS (Agilent 7890 GC, 5973 MSD) via aheated transfer line (120°C) at a flow rate of 20 mL/min. Separationwas achieved on a 30m× 0.25mmHP-5MS GC-MS capillarycolumn. The column oven temperature was programmedfrom 80°C (kept for 3 min) to 260°C at 15°C/min. The columnflow rate was 1.2 mL/min at a constant pressure of 10.3 psi.The injection port and detector temperature were 250°C, MSDtransfer line 280°C, MSD quad 150°C, and MSD source 230°C. The samples were analyzed in the electron impact (EI) modescanning from 30-300 amu with 5.19 scans/s.


Jung, Hyunsook;Lee, Hae Wan;Jeong, Eun Ah [Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements,2016,vol. 191,# 8,p. 1137 - 1141]

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