Carbon oxides, Sulfur oxides, Hydrogen chloride gas
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.
No data available
Use personal protective equipment. Avoid dust formation. Avoid breathing vapors, mist or gas. Ensure adequate ventilation. Evacuate personnel to safe areas. Avoid breathing dust. For personal protection see section 8.
Do not let product enter drains.
Pick up and arrange disposal without creating dust. Sweep up and shovel. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.
For disposal see section 13.
Avoid formation of dust and aerosols.
Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed. For precautions see section 2.2.
Store in cool place. Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Store under inert gas. Moisture sensitive.
Apart from the uses mentioned in section 1.2 no other specific uses are stipulated
Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.
Face shield and safety glasses Use equipment for eye protection tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).
Handle with gloves. Gloves must be inspected prior to use. Use proper glove removal technique (without touching glove's outer surface) to avoid skin contact with this product. Dispose of contaminated gloves after use in accordance with applicable laws and good laboratory practices. Wash and dry hands.
The selected protective gloves have to satisfy the specifications of Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and the standard EN 374 derived from it.
Complete suit protecting against chemicals, The type of protective equipment must be selected according to the concentration and amount of the dangerous substance at the specific workplace.
Where risk assessment shows air-purifying respirators are appropriate use a full- face particle respirator type N100 (US) or type P3 (EN 143) respirator cartridges as a backup to engineering controls. If the respirator is the sole means of protection, use a full-face supplied air respirator. Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).
Do not let product enter drains.
No data available
No data available
Stable under recommended storage conditions.
No data available
No data available
Strong oxidizing agents
Hazardous decomposition products formed under fire conditions. - Carbon oxides, Sulfur oxides, Hydrogen chloride gas
Other decomposition products - No data available In the event of fire: see section 5
No data available
No data available
No data available
No data available
This substance/mixture contains no components considered to be either persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT), or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) at levels of 0.1% or higher.
No data available
Offer surplus and non-recyclable solutions to a licensed disposal company. Dissolve or
mix the material with a combustible solvent and burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber.
Dispose of as unused product.
ADR/RID: 3261 IMDG: 3261 IATA: 3261
ADR/RID: CORROSIVE SOLID, ACIDIC, ORGANIC, N.O.S. (2-Anthracenesulfonyl chloride) IMDG: CORROSIVE SOLID, ACIDIC, ORGANIC, N.O.S. (2-Anthracenesulfonyl chloride) IATA: Corrosive solid, acidic, organic, n.o.s. (2-Anthracenesulfonyl chloride)
ADR/RID: no IMDG Marine pollutant: no IATA: no
No data available
【1】CAMEO Chemicals, website:
【2】ChemIDplus, website:
【3】ECHA - European Chemicals Agency, website:
【4】eChemPortal - The Global Portal to Information on Chemical Substances by OECD, website:
【5】ERG - Emergency Response Guidebook by U.S. Department of Transportation, website:
【6】Germany GESTIS-database on hazard substance, website:
【7】HSDB - Hazardous Substances Data Bank, website:
【8】IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer, website:
【9】IPCS - The International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC), website:
【10】Sigma-Aldrich, website:
The information in this MSDS is only applicable to the specified product, unless otherwise specified, it is not applicable to the mixture of this product and other substances. This MSDS only provides information on the safety of the product for those who have received the appropriate professional training for the user of the product. Users of this MSDS must make independent judgments on the applicability of this SDS. The authors of this MSDS will not be held responsible for any harm caused by the use of this MSDS.