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Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology

Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology

IF:4.9 CiteScore:10.6999 Articles:171
The Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology publishes work advancing knowledge of the mechanisms responsible for both normal and diseased cardiovascular function. To this end papers are published in all relevant areas. These include (but are not limited to): structural biology; genetics; proteomics; morphology; stem cells; molecular biology; metabolism; biophysics; bioengineering; computational modeling and systems analysis; electrophysiology; pharmacology and physiology. Papers are encouraged with both basic and translational approaches. The journal is directed not only to basic scientists but also to clinical cardiologists who wish to follow the rapidly advancing frontiers of basic knowledge of the heart and circulation.

MAPK14/AIFM2 pathway regulates mitophagy-dependent apoptosis to improve atrial fibrillation

Published: 8 December 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2024.12.002
Lu Wang,?Wanyue Sang,?Yi Jian,?Yafan Han,?Feifei Wang,?Subinuer Wubulikasimu,?Li Yang,?Baopeng Tang,?Yaodong Li