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Effect of 18-Crown-6 on Oxytocin Stability in Aqueous Buffer Solutions

Published:15 February 2021 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c06248 PMID: 33681619
Mostafa Ghasemisarabbadieh, Sveinbjorn Gizurarson, Benjamín Ragnar Sveinbjornsson*


In this study, the effect of 18-crown-6 on the stability of oxytocin in aqueous solution was explored. The study found that while 12-crown-4 and 15-crown-5 do not stabilize oxytocin, 18-crown-6 does have a stabilizing effect in citrate/phosphate buffer at pH 4.5. However, in acetate buffer at the same pH, the presence of 18-crown-6 had a destabilizing effect, possibly leading to a different degradation pathway. Both the stabilizing and destabilizing effects, depending on the buffer used, are concentration dependent where a higher concentration of 18-crown-6 is linked to a stronger effect. It is hypothesized that this effect may be linked to 18-crown-6 binding to the protonated ammonium group of oxytocin. Upon changing the mobile phase used in high-performance liquid chromatography experiments, we observed evidence supporting this binding hypothesis. When an acidic mobile phase was used (0.01% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA)), a partial shift in oxytocin retention time was observed for samples in acetate buffers in the presence of 18-crown-6 when using a 150 mm column (C18). The amount of the peak that shifted depended on the 18-crown-6 concentration used. A similar shift in oxytocin peak retention time was observed for samples in both acetate and citrate/phosphate buffers when using a 250 mm column (C18), but the peak completely shifted in those samples. When using an even more acidic mobile phase (0.1% TFA), the oxytocin peaks all had the same retention time again. Ultraviolet and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments also showed that the presence of 18-crown-6 has an observable effect on the resulting oxytocin spectra.

Substances (8)

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