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Anticancer research

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Maslinic Acid Induces DNA Damage and Impairs DNA Repair in Human Cervical Cancer HeLa Cells.

Published:1 December 2020 DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.14709 PMID: 33288579
Kung-Wen Lu, Mei-Due Yang, Shu-Fen Peng, Jaw-Chyun Chen, Po-Yuan Chen, Hung-Yi Chen, Tai-Jung Lu, Fu-Shin Chueh, Jin-Cherng Lien, Kuang-Chi Lai, Kuo-Ching Liu, Yin-Ying Tai


Background/aim: Maslinic acid, a natural plant-derived triterpenoid compound, exhibits pharmacological activities, including anti-cancer. In the present study, we investigated the cytotoxic effects of maslinic acid on human cervical cancer HeLa cells in vitro and further investigated the molecular mechanism of maslinic acid-induced DNA damage and repair.

Materials and methods: Cell viability was measured by flow cytometry. DNA condensation (apoptotic cell death), DNA damage, and DNA fragmentation (DNA ladder) were assayed by DAPI staining, comet assay, and agarose gel electrophoresis, respectively. The expression of DNA damage and repair proteins was assayed by western blotting.

Results: Maslinic acid decreased total cell viability and induced DNA condensation, damage, and fragmentation in HeLa cells. Furthermore, maslinic acid elevated the levels of p-ATMSer1981, p-ATRSer428, p53, p-p53Ser151, p-H2A.XSer139, BRCA1 and PARP at 30-40 μM. However, it decreased the levels of DNA-PK and MGMT.

Conclusion: Maslinic acid reduced the number of viable HeLa cells by inducing DNA damage and altering the expression of proteins involved in DNA damage and repair.

Substances (9)

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