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Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences

Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences

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Comparison of adjunctive therapy with metformin and acarbose in patients with Type-1 diabetes mellitus.

Published:1 May 2017 DOI: 10.12669/pjms.333.12669 PMID: 28811795
Amir Ziaee, Neda Esmailzadehha, Maryam Honardoost


Objective: All the aforementioned data have stimulated interest in studying other potential therapies for T1DM including noninsulin pharmacological therapies. The present study attempts to investigate the effect of adjunctive therapy with metformin and acarbose in patients with Type-1 diabetes mellitus.

Method: In a single-center, placebo-controlled study (IRCT201102165844N1) we compared the results of two clinical trials conducted in two different time periods on 40 patients with Type-1 diabetes mellitus. In the first section, metformin was given to the subjects. After six months, metformin was replaced with acarbose in the therapeutic regimen. In both studies, subjects were checked for their BMI, FBS, HbA1C, TGs, Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, 2hpp, unit of NPH and regular insulin variations.

Results: Placebo-controlled evaluation of selected factors has showna significant decrease in FBS and TG levels in the metformin group during follow up but acarbose group has shown substantial influence on two hour post prandial (2hpp) and regular insulin intake decline. Moreover, Comparison differences after intervention between two test groups has shown that metformin has had superior impact on FBS and HbA1C decline in patients. Nonetheless, acarbose treatment had noteworthy influence on 2hpp, TGs, Cholesterol, LDL, and regular insulin intake control.

Conclusion: The results of this experiment demonstrate that the addition of acarbose or metformin to patients with Type-1 diabetes mellitus who are controlled with insulin is commonly well tolerated and help to improve metabolic control in patients.

Substances (2)

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Procduct Name CAS Molecular Formula Supplier Price
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