APD597 (JNJ-38431055) 是 GPR119 激動劑, 作用于 hGPR119, EC50 為 46 nM, 可用于研究 2 型糖尿病。
APD597 is a GPR119 agonist intended for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, with EC50 of 46 nM for hGPR119. IC50 value: 46 nM (EC50) [1] Target: hGPR119 The design and synthesis of a second generation GPR119-agonist clinical candidate for the treatment of diabetes is described. APD597 was selected for preclinical development based on a good balance between agonist potency, intrinsic activity and in particular on its good solubility and reduced drug-drug interaction potential. [1]