?????? ??
- ???
- 70-85°
- ?? ?
- 287.56°C (rough estimate)
- ??
- 1.0160 (rough estimate)
- ???
- 1.4476 (estimate)
- ???
- reacts with H2O; soluble in ethanol; insoluble in chloroform, benzene
- ??? ??
- ??? ???? ??
- ??
- hygroscopic monoclinic crystals, crystalline
- ???
- ??? ????, ??? [MER06]
- Octanoic acid, ammonium salt (5972-76-9)
?????? C??? ??, ??, ??
??? ??
hygroscopic; monoclinic crystal(s); prepared by reacting caprylic acid and ammonia; used in photographic emulsions and as an insecticide [MER06]
In photographic emulsions; as insecticide and nematocide; in manufacture of zinc caprylate.
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