Kupferarsonat Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Beim Erhitzen bilden sich giftige Rauche. Reagiert mit S?uren unter Freisetzung giftiger Rauche mit Arsingas (s. ICSC 0222).
TLV (als As): 0,01 mg/m?(als TWA); Krebskategorie A1 (best?tigte krebserzeugende Wirkung beim Menschen); BEI vorhanden; (ACGIH 2005).
MAK: Krebserzeugend Kategorie 1; Keimzellmutagen Kategorie 3A; (DFG 2005).
Aufnahme in den K?rper durch Inhalation des Aerosols und durch Verschlucken.
Verdampfung bei 20°C vernachl?ssigbar; eine gesundheitssch?dliche Partikelkonzentration in der Luft kann jedoch beim Dispergieren schnell erreicht werden.
WIRKUNGEN BEI KURZZEITEXPOSITION: M?glich sind Auswirkungen auf Magendarmtrakt, Herzkreislaufsystem, Zentralnervensystem und Nieren mit nachfolgender schwerer Gastroenteritis, Flüssigkeits- und Elektrolytverlust, Herzfunktionsst?rungen, Kollaps, Schock und Tod. Exposition oberhalb der Arbeitsplatzgrenzwerte kann zum Tod führen. Die Auswirkungen treten u.U. verz?gert ein. ?rztliche Beobachtung notwendig.
Verschüttetes Material aufsaugen. Reste sorgf?ltig sammeln. An sicheren Ort bringen. Chemikalienschutzanzug mit umgebungsluftunabh?ngigem Atemschutzger?t. NICHT in die Umwelt gelangen lassen.
Chemische Eigenschaften
An odorless, yellow-green powder. Low vapor pressure.
As pigment, wood preservative, insecticide, fungicide, rodenticide.
Allgemeine Beschreibung
COPPER (II) ARSENITE is a fine, light-green powder. COPPER (II) ARSENITE is insoluble in water. COPPER (II) ARSENITE is very toxic by ingestion. COPPER (II) ARSENITE is used as an insecticide and fungicide.
Air & Water Reaktionen
Insoluble in water.
Reaktivit?t anzeigen
COPPER (II) ARSENITE has weak oxidizing or reducing powers. Redox reactions can however still occur. The majority of compounds in this class are slightly soluble or insoluble in water. If soluble in water, then the solutions are usually neither strongly acidic nor strongly basic. These compounds are not water-reactive.
Health Hazard
Dust irritates eyes. Ingestion causes gastric disturbance, tremors, muscular cramps, and nervous collapse that may cause death.
Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Poisonous, volatile arsenic oxides may be formed in fires.
Confirmed human
carcinogen. Poison. When heated to
decomposition it emits toxic fumes of As.
m?gliche Exposition
Formerly used in agriculture as insecticide, rodenticide, and fungicide. Also used in pigments and animal medications. Not currently registered for use in the United States
UN1586 copper arsenite, Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous materials. Use dry chemical, carbon dioxide; water spray; or foam extinguishers. If material or contaminated runoff enters waterways, notify downstream users of potentially contaminated waters. Notify local health and fire officials and pollution control agencies. From a secure, explosion-proof location, use water spray to cool exposed containers. If cooling streams are ineffective (venting sound increases in volume and pitch, tank discolors, or shows any signs of deforming), withdraw immediately to a secure position. If employees are expected to fight fires, they must be trained and equipped in OSHA 1910.156. The only respirators recommended for firefighting are SCBAs that have full facepieces and are operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode.
Waste disposal
Copper-containing soluble wastes can be concentrated through the use of ion exchange, reverse osmosis, or evaporators to the point where copper can be electrolytically removed and sent to a reclaiming firm. If recovery is not feasible, the copper can be precipitated through the use of caustics and the sludge deposited in a chemical waste landfill
Kupferarsonat Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte