HIGH ALLOY STEEL Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Industrielle Verwendung
High-alloy irons are ductile, gray, or white ironsthat contain 3% to more than 30% alloy content.Properties are significantly different from thoseof unalloyed irons. These irons are usuallyspecified by chemical composition as well asby various mechanical properties.
White high-alloy irons containing nickeland chromium develop a microstructure with amartensite matrix around primary chromiumcarbides. This structure provides a high hardnesswith extreme wear and abrasion resistance.High-chromium irons (typically, about 16%)combine wear and oxidation resistance withtoughness. Irons containing from 14 to 24%nickel are austenitic; they provide excellent corrosionresistance for nonmagnetic applications.The 35% nickel irons have an extremely lowcoefficient of thermal expansion and are alsononmagnetic and corrosion resistant.
HIGH ALLOY STEEL Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte