GalliumCitrate[67Ga] Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
Allgemeine Beschreibung
The gallium (III)–citrate complexis formed by adding the required amount of sodium citrate(0.15 M) to gallium (III) chloride and adjusting the pHto 4.5 to 8.0 with sodium hydroxide. Recent studies haveproposed a 1:2 gallium:citrate complex.
The patient receives an intravenous injection of 5 to 10 mCi(185–370 MBq) of gallium (
67Ga) citrate, and whole-body imagesare then obtained 24, 48, and 72 hours after injection.Gallium localizes at sites of inflammation or infection as wellas various tumors. It is used in clinical practice in the staging and evaluation of recurrence of lymphomas. Gallium localizesnormally in the liver and spleen, bone, nasopharynx, lacrimalglands, and breast tissue. There is also some secretion in thebowel; consequently, the patient may require a laxative and/orenemas to evacuate enteric radioactivity prior to the 48-hourimage. As more specific radiotracers have been developed, thenonspecific normal localization of gallium radioactivity haslimited its clinical use.
GalliumCitrate[67Ga] Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte