Acetyldigitoxin Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden
l?uterung methode
-Acetyldigitoxin is obtained from the commercial mixture [ : (2:1)] [25395-32-8]. The form is obtained from the form by heating in anhydrous or aqueous organic solvent (e.g. aqueous MeOH) at pH 3.5—8. It crystallises from MeOH as plates, CHCl3/Et2O or Me2CO/Et2O. At 20o 1g dissolves in 16mL of MeOH, 66mL of Me2CO and ~880mL of EtOAc. [Stoll & Kreis Helv Chim Acta 35 1318, 1322 1952, Beilstein 18 III/IV 1479.] It is a cardenolide.C5128
Acetyldigitoxin Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte
Downstream Produkte