Zinc dibutyldithiocarbamate synthesis
1synthesis methods
- Product Name:Zinc dibutyldithiocarbamate
- CAS Number:136-23-2
- Molecular formula:C18H36N2S4Zn
- Molecular Weight:474.14
Reaction Conditions:
in acetoneunder N2 atm. ZnCl2 and (Bun2NH2)(S2CNBun2) (1:2) in acetone were stirred in ice-salt bath; solid was filtered, washed with ether and dried for 8 h in vac.;
A. Imeida Sales, Jise Almir de;Souza, Antonio Gouveia;Freitas, Geraldo Fernando Goncal de;Prasad, Shiva;Fatima Severo Trindade, Maria de;et al. [Thermochimica Acta,2000,vol. 356,p. 9 - 18][Thermochim. Acta]