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ChemicalBook CAS DataBase List Fmoc-Tyr(tBu)-OH

Fmoc-Tyr(tBu)-OH synthesis

7synthesis methods
To obtain Fmoc-Tyr(tBu)-OH, the following steps are carried out:
Suspend O-tert-butyl-L-tyrosine in a solution of dioxane.
Conduct an acylation reaction with fluorenyl methaneoxycarbonyl azide.
After the reaction, extract the crude product with ethyl acetate under pH 9-10 conditions.
Purify the extracted product through recrystallization.
This process results in the final product, Fmoc-Tyr(tBu)-OH.



Multi-step reaction with 5 steps
1: thionyl chloride / Reflux
2: sodium carbonate / ethyl acetate; water / pH 8
3: sulfuric acid / dichloromethane / 120 h / 20 °C
4: palladium on activated charcoal; hydrogen / 25 °C
5: sodium carbonate / water; tetrahydrofuran / pH 9


Sichuan Shifang Sangao Biochemical industrial co., LTD;LI, WANCHANG;FENG, XUBIN;WANG, JUAN;WANG, BAIGUO;TIAN, MINGCHENG;WANG, MINGDONG CN103833593, 2016, B

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