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ChemicalBook CAS DataBase List carbon monoxide

carbon monoxide synthesis

15synthesis methods

Yield: 80% , 6%

Reaction Conditions:

with oxygen;(x)H2O*NO3(1-)*AlCo0005H6.08Mg2Ni0035O6.08(1+) at 900;Catalytic behavior;Reagent/catalyst;Temperature;


General procedure: The catalytic properties of the samples in POM andDRM were studied in a heated flow-type quartz reactorwith a thermocouple pocket. The end of the thermocouplewas located in the middle of the catalystbed. The catalyst precursor powders were pelletizedand ground to select a fraction with a grain size of 0.5-1 mm. The catalyst (weight, 0.2 g; bed height, 1 mm)was placed on a quartz fiber substrate. For the POMreaction, the free volume of the reactor was filled withquartz chips. The reactor was fed with CH4-O2 orCH4-CO2 mixtures undiluted with an inert gas (manufacturedat OAO Moscow Gas Refining Plant; purityof 99.9%) at ratios of CH4/O2 = 2 and CH4/CO2 = 1and a space velocity of 11-12 and 15-16 L/(gcat h),respectively; the catalyst was heated to a predeterminedtemperature. After analysis, the temperaturewas adjusted to predetermined values. Product compositionwas analyzed by gas chromatography asdescribed in [5, 8].


Baranchikov, A. E.;Bykov, M. A.;Danilov, V. P.;Dedov, A. G.;Krasnobaeva, O. N.;Loktev, A. S.;Moiseev, I. I.;Mukhin, I. E.;Nosova, T. A.;Yorov, Kh. E. [Petroleum Chemistry,2020,vol. 60,# 2,p. 194 - 203][Neftekhimiya,2020,vol. 60,# 2,p. 214 - 224,11]