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ChemicalBook CAS DataBase List BENZO(A)PYRENE-7,8-DIOL

BENZO(A)PYRENE-7,8-DIOL synthesis

8synthesis methods


Reaction Conditions:

with multiwalled carbon nanotube modified glassy carbon electrode in aq. phosphate buffer;ethanol; pH=7; for 0.0833333 h;Electrochemical reaction;


2.3 Preparation of the chemically modified electrodes

In first, the GCE surface was cleaned mechanically and electrochemically by polishing with 0.5μm Al2O3 powder-water suspension, washed with double distilled water followed by performing CV experiment for 20 continuous cycles in a potential window,-0.2 to 1.2V vs Ag/AgCl at scan rate (v)=50mVs-1 in pH 7 PBS. The GCE/MWCNT modified electrode was prepared by drop-casting of 5μL of 2mg MWCNT/500μL ethanolic suspension on the cleaned GCE surface and drying the electrode in air for 3±1minat room temperature (25±2°C). In further, the GCE/MWCNTBaPads, where ads=adsorbed, was prepared by following two step procedure. Step-1: 5μL of 1mg Benzo(a)Pyrene-500 μL ethanol solution was drop casted on the GCE/MWCNT surface, i.e., GCE/MWCNTBaPads followed by drying the electrode in air at room temperature for 3±1min. Step-2: The modified electrode was either potential cycled in a window,-0.4 to 1.2V vs Ag/AgCl at v=50mVs-1 for ten continuous cycles or subjected to potentiostatic polarization experiment at an applied potential=1.2V vs Ag/AgCl in pH 7 PBS for 300s (Scheme 1A-D). Overall, ~15min is required to prepare the GCE/MWCNTBaP-Oxid modified electrode(electro-oxidized form of the modified electrode). The surface coverage value of the electroactive BaPads on the modified electrode, ΓBaP-Oxid (mol cm-2), was elucidated using a CV graph obtained for the surface-confined redox peak at v=50mVs-1 and calculated using the equation; ΓBaP-Oxid=Q/nFAe, wherein, Q=charge under the redox peak, n=total number of electrons (n=2), F=Faraday constant and Ae=geometrical surface area (0.0707cm2).


Nisha, Sivakumar;Senthil Kumar, Annamalai [Electrochimica Acta,2020,vol. 350]

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