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Toxicology in Vitro

Toxicology in Vitro
Toxicology in Vitro publishes original research papers and reviews on the application and use of in vitro systems for assessing or predicting the toxic effects of chemicals and elucidating their mechanisms of action. These in vitro techniques include utilizing cell or tissue cultures, isolated cells, tissue slices, subcellular fractions, transgenic cell cultures, and cells from transgenic organisms, as well as in silico modelling. The Journal will focus on investigations that involve the development and validation of new in vitro methods, e.g. for prediction of toxic effects based on traditional and in silico modelling; on the use of methods in high-throughput toxicology and pharmacology; elucidation of mechanisms of toxic action; the application of genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics in toxicology, as well as on comparative studies that characterise the relationship between in vitro and in vivo findings. The Journal strongly encourages the submission of manuscripts that focus on the development of in vitro methods, their practical applications and regulatory use (e.g. in the areas of food components cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and industrial chemicals). Toxicology in Vitro discourages papers that record reporting on toxicological effects from materials, such as plant extracts or herbal medicines, that have not been chemically characterized.
Ammonium lauryl sulfate-induced apoptotic cell death may be due to mitochondrial dysfunction triggered by caveolin-1
Published: 1 June 2019
DOI: 10.1016/j.tiv.2019.02.021
Eun-Jung Park , Eunsol Seong , Younghoon Kim , Kyuhong Lee
Eun-Jung Park , Eunsol Seong , Younghoon Kim , Kyuhong Lee