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PLoS Genetics

PLoS Genetics

IF:4 Articles:438
PLOS Genetics is run by an international Editorial Board, headed by the Editors-in-Chief, Greg Barsh (HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology, and Stanford University School of Medicine) and Greg Copenhaver (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Articles published in PLOS Genetics are archived in PubMed Central and cited in PubMed.

Loss of Notch dimerization perturbs intestinal homeostasis by a mechanism involving HDAC activity

Published: 12 December 2024 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1011486
Quanhui Dai,?Kristina Preusse,?Danni Yu,?Rhett A Kovall,?Konrad Thorner,?Xinhua Lin,?Raphael Kopan