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Pediatric Critical Care Medicine

Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine is written for the entire critical care team: pediatricians, neonatologists, respiratory therapists, nurses, and others who deal with pediatric patients who are critically ill or injured. International in scope, with editorial board members and contributors from around the world, the Journal includes a full range of scientific content, including clinical articles, scientific investigations, solicited reviews, and abstracts from pediatric critical care meetings. Additionally, the Journal includes abstracts of selected articles published in Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish translations - making news of advances in the field available to pediatric and neonatal intensive care practitioners worldwide.
Evaluation of Bivalirudin As an Alternative to Heparin for Systemic Anticoagulation in Pediatric Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.
Published: 1 September 2020
DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000002384
Mohammed Hamzah, Angela M Jarden, Chidiebere Ezetendu, Robert Stewart
Mohammed Hamzah, Angela M Jarden, Chidiebere Ezetendu, Robert Stewart