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Optical and Quantum Electronics

Optical and Quantum Electronics
Optical and Quantum Electronics provides an international forum for the publication of original research papers, tutorial reviews and letters in such fields as optical physics, optical engineering and optoelectronics. Special issues are published on topics of current interest.
Optical and Quantum Electronics is published monthly. It is concerned with the technology and physics of optical systems, components and devices, i.e., with topics such as: optical fibres; semiconductor lasers and LEDs; light detection and imaging devices; nanophotonics; photonic integration and optoelectronic integrated circuits; silicon photonics; displays; optical communications from devices to systems; materials for photonics (e.g. semiconductors, glasses, graphene); the physics and simulation of optical devices and systems; nanotechnologies in photonics (including engineered nano-structures such as photonic crystals, sub-wavelength photonic structures, metamaterials, and plasmonics); advanced quantum and optoelectronic applications (e.g. quantum computing, memory and communications, quantum sensing and quantum dots); photonic sensors and bio-sensors; Terahertz phenomena; non-linear optics and ultrafast phenomena; green photonics.
First-principles calculations to investigate structural, electronic and optical properties of In-doped aluminium antimonide alloy for optoelectronic applications
Published: 30 June 2023
DOI: 10.1007/s11082-023-05091-2
Shafqat Nabi, Abdul Waheed Anwar, Muhammad Ahmad, Najam Ul Haq, Muhammad Waqas Haider, Zafar Wazir, Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Moin, Anwar Ali, Muhammad Afzal, Kashif Nabi
Shafqat Nabi, Abdul Waheed Anwar, Muhammad Ahmad, Najam Ul Haq, Muhammad Waqas Haider, Zafar Wazir, Muhammad Tayyab, Muhammad Moin, Anwar Ali, Muhammad Afzal, Kashif Nabi