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Journal of Non-crystalline Solids

Journal of Non-crystalline Solids
The Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids publishes review articles, research papers, and Letters to the Editor on amorphous and glassy materials, including inorganic, organic, polymeric, hybrid and metallic systems. Papers on partially glassy materials, such as glass-ceramics and glass-matrix composites, and papers involving the liquid state are also included in so far as the properties of the liquid are relevant for the formation of the solid.
In all cases the papers must demonstrate both novelty and importance to the field, by way of significant advances in understanding or application of non-crystalline solids; in the case of Letters, a compelling case must also be made for expedited handling.
Superhydrophobic silica aerogels based on methyltrimethoxysilane precursor
Published: 15 November 2003
DOI: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2003.08.048
A. Venkateswara Rao , Manish M. Kulkarni , D.P. Amalnerkar , Tanay Seth
A. Venkateswara Rao , Manish M. Kulkarni , D.P. Amalnerkar , Tanay Seth