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Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association

Jama-Journal of the American Medical Association
JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal. It has been published continuously since 1883. JAMA is a member of the JAMA Network, which is a consortium of peer-reviewed general medical and specialty publications.
Effect of Nebulized Magnesium vs Placebo Added to Albuterol on Hospitalization Among Children With Refractory Acute Asthma Treated in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Published: 24 November 2020
DOI: 10.1001/jama.2020.19839
Suzanne Schuh, Judy Sweeney, Maggie Rumantir, Allan L Coates, Andrew R Willan, Derek Stephens, Eshetu G Atenafu, Yaron Finkelstein, Graham Thompson, Roger Zemek, Amy C Plint, Jocelyn Gravel, Francine M Ducharme, David W Johnson, Karen Black, Sarah Curtis, Darcy Beer, Terry P Klassen, Darcy Nicksy, Stephen B Freedman
Suzanne Schuh, Judy Sweeney, Maggie Rumantir, Allan L Coates, Andrew R Willan, Derek Stephens, Eshetu G Atenafu, Yaron Finkelstein, Graham Thompson, Roger Zemek, Amy C Plint, Jocelyn Gravel, Francine M Ducharme, David W Johnson, Karen Black, Sarah Curtis, Darcy Beer, Terry P Klassen, Darcy Nicksy, Stephen B Freedman