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Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

IF:4.59 CiteScore:9 Articles:1588
Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) publishes high-impact, innovative, and timely research on major scientific advances in all the major geoscience disciplines. Papers are communications-length articles and should have broad and immediate implications in their discipline or across the geosciences. GRLmaintains the fastest turn-around of all high-impact publications in the geosciences and works closely with authors to ensure broad visibility of top papers.

Perfluorotributylamine: A novel long-lived greenhouse gas

Published: 9 November 2013 DOI: 10.1002/2013GL058010
Angela C. Hong, Cora J. Young, Michael D. Hurley, Timothy J. Wallington, Scott A. Mabury