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Food and Bioprocess Technology

Food and Bioprocess Technology

IF:5.29 CiteScore:9.5 Articles:200
Food and Bioprocess Technology provides an effective and timely platform for cutting-edge high quality original papers in the engineering and science of all types of food processing technologies, from the original food supply source to the consumer’s dinner table. It aims to be a leading international journal for the multidisciplinary agri-food research community. The journal focuses especially on experimental or theoretical research findings that have the potential for helping the agri-food industry to improve process efficiency, enhance product quality and, extend shelf-life of fresh and processed agri-food products. The editors present critical reviews on new perspectives to established processes, innovative and emerging technologies, and trends and future research in food and bioproducts processing. The journal also publishes short communications for rapidly disseminating preliminary results, letters to the Editor on recent developments and controversy, and book reviews.

Postharvest 1-Butanol Vapor Treatment to ‘Legacy’ Broccoli Florets: Impact on Metabolism, Pigments, Yellowing, and Overall Quality During Shelf Life at Room Temperature

Published: 24 August 2024 DOI: 10.1007/s11947-024-03563-1
Fabio Rodrigo Thewes, Lilian Osmari Uhlmann, Francis Júnior Soldateli, Roger Wagner, Bruna Regina Carvalho Pinto, Guilherme Zanon Peripolli, Brenda Eduarda Reis, Vanderlei Both, Helen Maciel dos Santos, Barbara Cecconi Deon