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Eating behaviors

Eating behaviors

IF:2.39 CiteScore:4.2 Articles:65
Eating Behaviors is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing human research on the etiology, prevention, and treatment of obesity, binge eating, and eating disorders in adults and children. Studies related to the promotion of healthy eating patterns to treat or prevent medical conditions (e.g., hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cancer) are also acceptable. Two types of manuscripts are encouraged: (1) Descriptive studies establishing functional relationships between eating behaviors and social, cognitive, environmental, attitudinal, emotional or biochemical factors; (2) Clinical outcome research evaluating the efficacy of prevention or treatment protocols.

Creatine monohydrate use is prospectively associated with muscle dysmorphia symptomatology

Published: 1 August 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2024.101910
Kyle T. Ganson , Alexander Testa , Jason M. Nagata