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Current drug discovery technologies

CiteScore:3.7 Articles:48
Due to the plethora of new approaches being used in modern drug discovery by the pharmaceutical industry, Current Drug Discovery Technologies has been established to provide comprehensive overviews of all the major modern techniques and technologies used in drug design and discovery. The journal is the forum for publishing both original research papers and reviews describing novel approaches and cutting edge technologies used in all stages of drug discovery. The journal addresses the multidimensional challenges of drug discovery science including integration issues of the drug discovery process.

Virtual Structural Similarity Elucidates Bioactivity of Fenchone: A Phytochemical Enriched in Fennel Essential Oil.

Published: 1 January 2020 DOI: 10.2174/1570163816666190321142826
Sukhchain Singh, Pawan Gupta, Jeena Gupta