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Construction and Building Materials

Construction and Building Materials
Construction and Building Materials offers an international platform for sharing innovative and original research and development in the realm of construction and building materials, along with their practical applications in new projects and repair practices. The journal publishes a diverse array of pioneering research and application papers, detailing laboratory investigations and, to a limited extent, numerical analyses or reports on full-scale projects. Multi-part papers are discouraged.
Additionally, Construction and Building Materials features comprehensive case studies and insightful review articles that contribute to new insights in the field. Our focus is on papers related to construction materials, excluding those on structural engineering, geotechnics, and unbound highway layers. Covered materials and technologies encompass cement, concrete reinforcement, bricks and mortars, additives, corrosion technology, ceramics, timber, steel, polymers, glass fibers, recycled materials, bamboo, rammed earth, non-conventional building materials, bituminous materials, and applications in railway materials.
Effect of calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, and urea on the kinetics of self-healing in mortars
Published: 30 December 2017
DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.09.115
Jean Ducasse-Lapeyrusse , Richard Gagné , Christine Lors , Denis Damidot
Jean Ducasse-Lapeyrusse , Richard Gagné , Christine Lors , Denis Damidot