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Chemosphere, being an international multidisciplinary journal, is dedicated to publishing original communications and review articles on chemicals in the environment. The scope covers a wide range of topics, including the identification, quantification, behavior, fate, toxicology, treatment, and remediation of chemicals in the bio-, hydro-, litho-, and atmosphere, ensuring the broad dissemination of research in this field.
Adverse cardiovascular effects of long-term exposure to diethyl phthalate in the rat aorta
Published: 1 November 2023
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.139904
Melissa Mariana , Margarida Lorigo , Joana Feiteiro , Miguel Castelo-Branco , Amadeu M. Soares , Elisa Cairrao
Melissa Mariana , Margarida Lorigo , Joana Feiteiro , Miguel Castelo-Branco , Amadeu M. Soares , Elisa Cairrao
Physiologically-based toxicokinetic modeling of human dermal exposure to diethyl phthalate: Application to health risk assessment
Published: 1 November 2022
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.135931
Man Hu , Yining Zhang , Ming Zhan , Gengsheng He , Weidong Qu , Ying Zhou
Man Hu , Yining Zhang , Ming Zhan , Gengsheng He , Weidong Qu , Ying Zhou
Ethylene dimethacrylate used as an NH3 adsorbent with high adsorption capacity and selectivity.
Published: 1 April 2022
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.133539
Zhangliang Han, Haozhong Tian, Xiaobing Pang, Guoyong Song, Dezhi Sun
Zhangliang Han, Haozhong Tian, Xiaobing Pang, Guoyong Song, Dezhi Sun
Bisphenol A and its analogues bisphenol S, bisphenol F and bisphenol AF induce oxidative stress and biomacromolecular damage in human granulosa KGN cells
Published: 1 August 2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126707
Mingquan Huang , Shuang Liu , Li Fu , Xue Jiang , Meng Yang
Mingquan Huang , Shuang Liu , Li Fu , Xue Jiang , Meng Yang
Assessment of multiple hormone activities of a UV-filter (octocrylene) in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Published: 1 September 2016
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.06.037
Qiuya Y. Zhang , Xiaoyan Y. Ma , Xiaochang C. Wang , Huu Hao Ngo
Qiuya Y. Zhang , Xiaoyan Y. Ma , Xiaochang C. Wang , Huu Hao Ngo