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Chemistry and Physics of Lipids
![Chemistry and Physics of Lipids](
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids publishes research papers and review articles on chemical and physical aspects of lipids with primary emphasis on the relationship of these properties to biological functions and to biomedical applications.
Accordingly, the journal covers: advances in synthetic and analytical lipid methodology; mass-spectrometry of lipids; chemical and physical characterisation of isolated structures; thermodynamics, phase behaviour, topology and dynamics of lipid assemblies; physicochemical studies into lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions in lipoproteins and in natural and model membranes; movement of lipids within, across and between membranes; intracellular lipid transfer; structure-function relationships and the nature of lipid-derived second messengers; chemical, physical and functional alterations of lipids induced by free radicals; enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms of lipid peroxidation in cells, tissues, biofluids; oxidative lipidomics; and the role of lipids in the regulation of membrane-dependent biological processes.
Synthesis, characterization and thermotropic phase behavior of a homologous series of N-acyl-l-alaninols and interaction of N-myristoyl l-alaninol with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine
Published: 1 March 2016
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2016.01.001
D. Sivaramakrishna, Musti J. Swamy
D. Sivaramakrishna, Musti J. Swamy