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Biology Bulletin
Biology Bulletin
Biology Bulletin (Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk – Seriya Biologicheskaya) is an interdisciplinary journal of general biology. It focuses on fundamental studies in the fields of cell biology, biochemistry, zoology, botany, physiology, and ecology. This journal publishes current materials of experimental studies and surveys on current problems in general biology. It also publishes information on scientific conferences and new books in the fields of general biology.
Biological functions of allantoin
Published: 1 September 2006
DOI: 10.1134/S1062359006050037
A. Shestopalov,?T. Shkurat,?Z. Mikashinovich,?I. O. Kryzhanovskaya,?M. Bogacheva,?S. Lomteva,?V. N. Prokof’ev,?E. P. Gus’kov
A. Shestopalov,?T. Shkurat,?Z. Mikashinovich,?I. O. Kryzhanovskaya,?M. Bogacheva,?S. Lomteva,?V. N. Prokof’ev,?E. P. Gus’kov