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Biological Rhythm Research

Biological Rhythm Research
The principal aim of Biological Rhythm Research is to cover any aspect of research into the broad topic of biological rhythms. The area covered can range from studies at the genetic or molecular level to those of behavioural or clinical topics. It can also include ultradian, circadian, infradian or annual rhythms. In this way, the Editorial Board tries to stimulate interdisciplinary rhythm research. Such an aim reflects not only the similarity of the methods used in different fields of chronobiology, but also the fact that many influences that exert controlling or masking effects are common. Amongst the controlling factors, attention is paid to the effects of climate change on living organisms. So, papers dealing with biometeorological aspects can also be submitted.
The Journal publishes original scientific research papers, review papers, short notes on research in progress, book reviews and summaries of activities, symposia and congresses of national and international organizations dealing with rhythmic phenomena.
Dihydromyricetin improves rhythm by anti-oxidative stress damage in sleep deprivation Drosophila
Published: 6 December 2023
DOI: 10.1080/09291016.2023.2290974
Ruyi He, Fangyi Wang, Wanwan He, Xiaojie Yu, Jian Wang, Hu Wang, Jiale Yu, Yu Tian, Li Zhao, Zhiguo Liu
Ruyi He, Fangyi Wang, Wanwan He, Xiaojie Yu, Jian Wang, Hu Wang, Jiale Yu, Yu Tian, Li Zhao, Zhiguo Liu