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Anti-Cancer Drugs

Anti-Cancer Drugs
Anti-Cancer Drugs reports both clinical and experimental results related to anti-cancer drugs, and welcomes contributions on anti-cancer drug design, drug delivery, pharmacology, hormonal and biological modalities and chemotherapy evaluation. An internationally refereed journal devoted to the fast publication of innovative investigations on therapeutic agents against cancer, Anti-Cancer Drugs aims to stimulate and report research on both toxic and non-toxic anti-cancer agents. Consequently, the scope on the journal will cover both conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy and hormonal or biological response modalities such as interleukins and immunotherapy. Submitted articles undergo a preliminary review by the editor. Some articles may be returned to authors without further consideration. Those being considered for publication will undergo further assessment and peer-review by the editors and those invited to do so from a reviewer pool.
Differential functionality of fluoropyrimidine nucleosides for safe cancer therapy.
Published: 1 November 2024
DOI: 10.1097/CAD.0000000000001644
Tim Holzinger,?Julia Frei,?Natalia Teresa Jarzebska,?Hans-Dietmar Beer,?Thomas M Kündig,?Steve Pascolo,?Severin L?uchli,?Mark Mellett
Tim Holzinger,?Julia Frei,?Natalia Teresa Jarzebska,?Hans-Dietmar Beer,?Thomas M Kündig,?Steve Pascolo,?Severin L?uchli,?Mark Mellett