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Comediation of voltage gating and ion charge in MXene membrane for controllable and selective monovalent cation separation

Published:6 December 2024 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ado3998 PMID: 39630891
Xu Wang,?Haiguang Zhang,?Gaoliang Wei,?Jiajian Xing,?Shuo Chen,?Xie Quan


Artificial ion channels with controllable mono/monovalent cation separation fulfill important roles in biomedicine, ion separation, and energy conversion. However, it remains a daunting challenge to develop an artificial ion channel similar to biological ion channels due to ion-ion competitive transport and lack of ion-gating ability of channels. Here, we report a conductive MXene membrane with polydopamine-confined angstrom-scale channels and propose a voltage gating and ion charge comediation strategy to concurrently achieve gated and selective mono/monovalent cation separation. The membrane shows a highly switchable "on-off" ratio of ~9.9 for K+ transport and an excellent K+/Li+ selectivity of 40.9, outperforming the ion selectivity of reported membranes with electrical gating (typically 1.5 to 6). Theoretical simulations reveal that the introduced high-charge cations such as Mg2+ enable the preferential distribution of target K+ over competing Li+ at the channel entrance, and the surface potential reduces the ionic transport energy barrier for allowing K+ to pass quickly through the channel.

Substances (4)

Procduct Name CAS Molecular Formula Supplier Price
Potassium chloride 7447-40-7 KCl 1314 suppliers $6.00-$11230.00
Sodium chloride 7647-14-5 ClNa 1219 suppliers $5.00-$6678.62
Dopamine hydrochloride 62-31-7 C8H12ClNO2 648 suppliers $16.60-$2055.90
Ti3AlC2 196506-01-1 CH7AlTi 56 suppliers Inquiry

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