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Food Chemistry

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Directional anchoring of polymer-lysozyme nanohybrids for adhesive capture and enhanced removal of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in fruit juices

Published:25 November 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.141992
Bingzhi Li, Kun Cheng, Jianlong Wang


The acidophilic and heat-resistant traits of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris (A. acidoterrestris) present a formidable challenge to fruit juices production safety. To address the limitations of conventional thermal sterilization, a novel bacterial capture device MPDEL has been developed. This innovative device utilizes dopamine-coated magnetic nanoparticles that are covalently linked with lysozyme, enabling efficient and rapid capture of A. acidoterrestris in acidic juices, followed by facile magnetic-controlled separation for subsequent removal. Lysozyme not only recognizes and directional anchors the bacterial surface, but facilitates the adhesion of polydopamine to the bacterial surface. Benefiting from the abundant binding sites and rapid adsorption kinetics, this un-thermal treatment completely removes 104?CFU/mL of A. acidoterrestris from the juice within a span of 20?min. The MPDEL exhibits high capture performance, negligible cytotoxicity and no discernable impact on juice quality, offering a novel option for the removal of A. acidoterrestris from fruit juices.

Substances (13)

Procduct Name CAS Molecular Formula Supplier Price
Ethylene glycol 107-21-1 C2H6O2 1402 suppliers $10.00-$908.54
Sodium acetate 127-09-3 C2H3NaO2 1193 suppliers $8.00-$2170.00
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane 77-86-1 C4H11NO3 1141 suppliers $5.00-$8920.00
D(+)-Glucose 50-99-7 C6H12O6 1121 suppliers $6.00-$26950.00
Calcium chloride 10043-52-4 CaCl2 946 suppliers $5.00-$26371.00
Potassium Phosphate Monobasic 7778-77-0 H2KO4P 937 suppliers $9.00-$7640.00
Ammonium sulfate 7783-20-2 H8N2O4S 801 suppliers $9.00-$5423.00
Sodium citrate 68-04-2 C6H9NaO7 667 suppliers $6.00-$1030.00
Dopamine hydrochloride 62-31-7 C8H12ClNO2 645 suppliers $16.60-$2055.90
Agar 9002-18-0 C14H24O9 579 suppliers $14.00-$4338.01