The pCDF1-MCS2-EF1-copGFP Vector contains the full-length copGFP gene with optimized human codons for high level of expression of the fluorescent protein from the CMV promoter in mammalian cells. The copGFP marker is a novel natural green monomeric GFP-like protein from copepod (Pontellina sp.). The copGFP protein is a non-toxic, non-aggregating protein with fast protein maturation, high stability at a wide range of pH (pH 4-12), and does not require any additional cofactors or substrates. The copGFP protein has very bright fluorescence that exceeds at least 1.3 times the brightness of EGFP, the widely used Aequorea victoria GFP mutant. The copGFP protein emits green fluorescence with the following characteristics:
emission wavelength max – 502 nm; excitation wavelength max – 482 nm; quantum yield – 0.6; extinction coefficient – 70,000 M-1 cm-1