溶于冷水或熱水呈紅紫色,極易溶于酒精呈紅色;遇濃硫酸呈黃棕色,稀釋后幾乎無色;水溶液加氫氧化鈉液呈帶有紅色沉淀的幾乎無色的液體。 用于配制席夫試劑檢測醛類,用于萃取光度法測定某些酸根離子及金屬離子。也用于光度法檢測溴,亞硝酸鹽和二氧化硫。用作極譜分析中的極大抑制劑。還用作生化分析的核染料,為最強的核染料,能使粘朊、彈性組織及嗜品紅的顆粒染色,中樞神經(jīng)的核染色,細菌學(xué)中用以鑒別結(jié)核桿菌,分析化學(xué)中配制席夫試劑檢驗醛類。用溴酸鹽滴定的氧化還原指示劑。
Basic Fuchsin is a dye composed of rosaniline, magenta II, pararosaniline, and new fuschsine. The fluorescent dye has been used for Ziehl-Neelson staining in order to detect acid-fast bacilli. The dyes fluorescence has been useful in understanding microfissures, as it allows a clear delineation of surface level structure and constant background from the microscope. Basic Fuchsin staining includes tissue sections to visualize elastic fibers, and cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue. Reports show that Basic Fuchsin has the ability to stain tubercle Bacillus, bacterial flagella, and to compare Escherichia coli and Aerobacter aerogenes.A flourescent dye used for stainning and for the Ziel-Neelson staining method