Chemiluminescent detection uses an enzyme to catalyze a reaction that results in the generation of visible light. The horseradish peroxidase(HRP) chemluminescent reaction is based on the catalyzed oxidation of luminol by peroxide.Oxidized luminol emits light as it decays to its ground state. This technique has the speed and safety of chromogenic detection methods, at higher sensitivity levels. Western HRP Substrate provides high sensivity in western or dot/slot/spot blotting application on both PVDF and nitrocellulose transfer membranes, and is compatible with all commonly used buffers and blocking reagents. Blots on PVDF membrane may be reprobed, allowing detection of multiple target proteins on the same blot. The HRP substrate consists of Luminol Reagent and Peroxide Solution. Working HRP substrate is prepared by combining equal volumes of Luminol Reagent and Peroxide Solution. The HRP substrate produces a high intensity signal with low background for detection of both high and low background for detection of both high and low abundance proteins.