
  • Epicentre

Epicentre 新品

價格 詢價
包裝 1個
最小起訂量 1個
發(fā)貨地 北京
更新日期 2024-12-30
QQ交談 微信洽談


中文名稱:Epicentre品牌: Epicentre
產(chǎn)品類別: 代理品牌概覽
2024-12-30 Epicentre 1個/RMB Epicentre 代理品牌概覽


維百奧生物代理Epicentre (LGC Biosearch, 原Lucigen)全系列產(chǎn)品。





2'-dNTP (All 4 Mixed)  10 μmole @ 2.5 mM ea.D08104
2'-dNTP (All 4 mixed)  10 μmole @ 25 mM ea.D59104
2′-Fluorine-dCTP (2′-F-dCTP) Solution1 μmolR2F110C
2′-Fluorine-dUTP (2′-F-dUTP) Solution1 μmolR2F110U
Ampligase? DNA Ligase with Buffer  2,500 U @ 100 U/μlA0102K
Ampligase? DNA Ligase without Buffer 10,000 U @ 100 U/μlA0110K
Ampligase? 10X Reaction Buffer  5 mlA1905B
Ampligase? DNA Ligase with Buffer   2,500 U @ 5 U/μlA3202K
Ampligase? DNA Ligase without Buffer  10,000 U @ 5 U/μlA3210K
Ampligase? DNA Ligase with Buffer750 U @ 5 U/μlA32750
Ampligase? DNA Ligase Kit 1,000 U @ 5 U/μlA8101
AmpliScribe? T7 High Yield Transcription Kit50 rxnsAS3107
AmpliScribe T7-Flash? Biotin-RNA Transcription Kit10 rxnsASB71110
AmpliScribe T7-Flash Transcription Kit25 RxnsASF3257
AmpliScribe T7-Flash Transcription Kit50 RxnsASF3507
ATP Solution25 μmolRA02825
Baseline-ZERO? DNase  5000 UDB0715K
Biotin-16-UTP500 nmolBU6105H
CircLigase? ssDNA Ligase  1000 UCL4111K
CircLigase? ssDNA Ligase 5000 UCL4115K
CircLigase? II ssDNA Ligase  1000 UCL9021K
CircLigase? II ssDNA Ligase  5000 UCL9025K
CopyControl? Fosmid Autoinduction Solution50 mlAIS107F
CopyControl Fosmid Library Production Kit1 kitCCFOS110
CopyControl HTP Fosmid Library Production Kit1 kitCCFOS059
CopyControl Induction Solution25 mlCCIS125
CopyCutter EPI400 Chemically Competent E.coli 10 × 50 μlC400CH10
CopyCutter EPI400 Electrocompetent E.coli 10 × 50 μlC400EL10
CopyCutter Induction Solution25 mlCIS40025
DuraScribe? T7 Transcription Kit10 RxnsDS010910
DuraScribe T7 Transcription Kit25 RxnsDS010925
End-It DNA? End-Repair Kit20 RxnsER0720
End-It DNA End-Repair Kit50 RxnsER81050
EpiScript? RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase10,000 UnitsERT12910K
EpiScript RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase25,000 UnitsERT12925K
Exonuclease I  20,000 UX40520K
Exonuclease VII  250 U @ 10 U/μlEN510250
Exonuclease III  25,000 U @ 200 U/μlEX4425K
Exo-Minus Klenow DNA Polymerase (D355A, E357A)  1,000 U @ 10 U/μlKL11101K
EZ-Tn5? <DHFR-1> Insertion Kit10 RxnsEZI912D
EZ-Tn5 <KAN-2> Insertion Kit10 RxnsEZI982K
EZ-Tn5 <KAN-2> Tnp Transposome Kit10 RxnsTSM99K2
EZ-Tn5 <R6Kγori/KAN-2> Insertion Kit10 RxnsEZI011RK
EZ-Tn5 <R6Kyori /KAN-2> Tnp Transposome Kit10 RxnsTSM08KR
EZ-Tn5 <T7/KAN-2> Promoter Insertion Kit10 RxnsEZI03T7
EZ-Tn5 <TET-1> Insertion Kit10 RxnsEZI921T
EZ-Tn5 Transposase10 RxnsTNP92110
FailSafe? PCR System1000 UFS9901K
FailSafe? PCR PreMix Selection Kit1 KitFS99060
FailSafe? PCR System 100 UFS99100
FailSafe? PCR System250 UFS99250
FailSafe? Enzyme Mix Only   1000 UFSE5101K
FailSafe? Enzyme Mix Only   100 UFSE51100
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix A  2.5 mlFSP995A
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix B  2.5 mlFSP995B
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix C 2.5 mlFSP995C
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix D  2.5 mlFSP995D
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix E2.5 mlFSP995E
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix F 2.5 mlFSP995F
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix G  2.5 mlFSP995G
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix H  2.5 mlFSP995H
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix I  2.5 mlFSP995I
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix J  2.5 mlFSP995J
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix K  2.5 mlFSP995K
FailSafe? PCR 2X PreMix L  2.5 mlFSP995L
Fast-Link? DNA Ligation Kit100 RxnsLK6201H
Fast-Link DNA Ligation Kit50 RxnsLK0750H
FosmidMAX? DNA Purification Kit  1 KitFMAX046
Hybridase? Thermostable RNase H  500 U @ 5 U/μlH39500
Proteinase K  2 mLMPRK092
MasterAmp? 10X PCR Enhancer  10 PurificationsME81210
MasterAmp? PCR Optimization Kit  60 templatesMO7201
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix A 5 mLMO7205A
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix B 5 mLMO7205B
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix C 5 mLMO7205C
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix D 5 mLMO7205D
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix E 5 mLMO7205E
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix F 5 mLMO7205F
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix G 5 mLMO7205G
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix H 5 mLMO7205H
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix I 5 mLMO7205I
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix J 5 mLMO7205J
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix K 5 mLMO7205K
MasterAmp? 2X PCR PreMix L 5 mLMO7205L
MasterAmp? Taq DNA Polymerase  5,000 U @ 5 U/μlQ8205K
MasterAmp? Taq DNA Polymerase  500 U @ 5 U/μlQ82500
MasterAmp? Tth DNA Polymerase  250 U @ 5 U/μlTTH72250
MasterPure? Complete DNA & RNA Purification Kit 200 PurificationsMC85200
MasterPure? Complete DNA & RNA Purification Kit 10 PurificationsMC89010
MasterPure? DNA Purification Kit for Blood, Version II 400 mL of Whole BloodMB711400
MasterPure? Gram Positive DNA Purification Kit  100 PurificationsMGP04100
MasterPure? Yeast RNA Purification Kit  100 PurificationsMPY03100
MasterPure? Yeast DNA Purification Kit  200 PurificationsMPY80200
MaxPlax? Lambda Packaging Extract10 ExtMP5110
MaxPlax Lambda Packaging Extract20 ExtMP5120
MaxPlax Lambda Packaging Extract 5 ExtMP5105
MMLV High Performance Reverse Transcriptase25,000 URT80125K
MMLV Reverse Transcriptase 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit50 RxnsMM070150
MPC Protein Precipitation Solution     500 mLMMP095H
NTPs: ATP, CTP, GTP, UTP Solutions25 umol @100mM eachRN02825
OmniCleave? Endonuclease  50,000 UOC7850K
Plasmid-Safe? ATP-Dependent DNase  1,000 U @ 10 U/μlE3101K
Plasmid-Safe? ATP-Dependent DNase  10,000 U @ 10 U/μlE3110K
Poly(A) Polymerase Tailing Kit  50 rxnsPAP5104H
QuickExtract? DNA Extraction Solution 1.0   50 mLQE09050
QuickExtract? DNA Extraction Solution 1.0   5 mLQE0905T
QuickExtract? FFPE DNA Extraction Kit  50 mLQEF81050
QuickExtract? Plant DNA Extraction Solution  50 mLQEP70750
QuickExtract? RNA Extraction Kit 50 mLQER090150
Ready-Lyse? Lysozyme Solution 4000000R1804M
Ready-Lyse? Lysozyme Solution 10000000R1810M
Rec J Exonuclease  250 U @ 10 U/μl RJ411250
Red Cell Lysis Solution     1200 mLMRC0912H
RiboGuard? RNase Inhibitor10,000 URG90910K
RiboGuard RNase Inhibitor2,500 URG90925
Ribonuclease R (RNase R)  250RNR07250
RNA 5' Polyphosphatase 200RP8092H
RNase A   2 mLMRNA092
RNase I  1000 UN6901K
RNase-Free DNase I  5,000 U @ 1 U/μlD9905K
RNase-Free DNase I  10,000 U @ 1 U/μl  D9910K
Sterile Nuclease-Free Water   50 mLW7350ML
T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, Cloned  3,000 UP0503K
T4 RNA Ligase 2, Deletion Mutant  10,000 U @ 200 U/ulLR2D11310K
T4 RNA Ligase 2, Deletion Mutant  2,000 U @ 200 U/ulLR2D1132K
T7 R&DNA? Polymerase  5,000 U @ 50 U/μlD7P9205K
T7 RNA Polymerase  50,000 U @ 1,000 U/μlTH950K
TE Buffer      70 mLMTE0970
Terminator? 5'-Phosphate-Dependent Exonuclease  40 U @ 1 U/μlTER51020
Tissue & Cell Lysis Solution  600 mLMTC096H
TransforMax? EC100 Chemically Competent E.coli10 × 50 uLCC02810
TransforMax EC100 Electrocompetent E.coli10 × 100 uLEC10010
TransforMax EC100D pir+ Electrocompetent E. coli,5 × 100 uLECP09500
TransforMax EC100D pir-116 Electrocompetent E. coli,5 × 100 uLEC6P095H
TransforMax EPI300 Chemically Competent E.coli10 × 50 uLC300C105
TransforMax EPI300 Electrocompetent E.coli10 × 100 uLEC300110
TransforMax EPI300 Electrocompetent E.coli5 × EC300 110EC300150
Transformax EPI300-T1R Electrocompetent E.coli10 × 100 uLEC02T110
TypeOne? Restriction Inhibitor 100 μgTY0261H
Uracil N-Glycosylase 1,000 UUG131K






關(guān)鍵字: Epicentre;


維百奧(北京)生物科技有限公司成立于2014年,經(jīng)過多年的發(fā)展,已成為一家集生產(chǎn)、銷售、代理、咨詢?yōu)橐惑w的,具有完備的生產(chǎn)、研發(fā)、技術(shù)支持能力,優(yōu)異的售前售后服務(wù)的高新技術(shù)公司。致力于為生命科學(xué)、制藥、診斷、化工、材料、食品、環(huán)境、檢測等行業(yè)的企業(yè),提供儀器、耗材、試劑、設(shè)備、服務(wù)的一站式服務(wù)。 公司經(jīng)營范圍涵蓋分子生物學(xué)試劑、免疫學(xué)試劑、細胞生物學(xué)試劑、蛋白質(zhì)研究試劑、微生物學(xué)試劑、化學(xué)及生化試劑、材料學(xué)試劑、天然提取物、儀器設(shè)備等9大門類,累計約10萬余種產(chǎn)品,充分滿足不同客戶的個性化需求;公司代理國外50余種一線品牌試劑,以“高性價比、迅捷的物流速度、專業(yè)的技術(shù)支持”,讓客戶充分享受全球化帶來的便利;公司還增加了基因編輯、蛋白表達、細胞鑒定等定制項目,大大提升了為客戶服務(wù)能力?!安煌跣?,方得始終”,維百奧生物將繼續(xù)秉持“專心、專業(yè)、為您”的宗旨,以客戶為根本,以誠信為基礎(chǔ),持續(xù)地為各界客戶提供更加優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。
成立日期 2014-03-04 (11年) 注冊資本 300萬人民幣
員工人數(shù) 10-50人 年營業(yè)額 ¥ 1000萬-5000萬
主營行業(yè) 化學(xué)試劑 經(jīng)營模式 貿(mào)易,工廠,試劑,定制,服務(wù)
  • 維百奧(北京)生物科技有限公司
VIP 3年
  • 公司成立:11年
  • 注冊資本:300萬人民幣
  • 企業(yè)類型:有限責(zé)任公司(自然人投資或控股)
  • 主營產(chǎn)品:點擊化學(xué)、生物化學(xué)、硼化學(xué)、生物制品
  • 公司地址:經(jīng)濟技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)景園北街2號57號樓10層



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