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Chemical and Process Engineering-Inzynieria Chemiczna I Procesowa

Chemical and Process Engineering-Inzynieria Chemiczna I Procesowa
The content, aim and scope of the proposals should comply with the main subject of the journal, i.e. they should deal with mathematical modelling and/or experimental investigations on momentum, heat and mass transfer, unit processes and operations, integrated processes, biochemical engineering, statics and kinetics of chemical reactions. The experiments and modelling may cover different scales and processes ranging from the molecular phenomena up to production systems. The journal language is grammatically correct British English.
Chemical and Process Engineering publishes: i) full text research articles, ii) invited reviews, iii) letters to the editor and iv) short communications, aiming at important new results and/or applications. Each of the publication form is peer-reviewed by at least two independent referees.
Investigations of carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous potassium carbonate solutions containing primary and secondary alkanolamines
Published: 1 March 2016
DOI: 10.1515/CPE-2016-0009
G. Binczak,?W. Moniuk,?Z. Mordecka,?Cezary Mo?eński
G. Binczak,?W. Moniuk,?Z. Mordecka,?Cezary Mo?eński