LGM Pharma Evaluation of information list
Add New Evaluation Azithromycin dihydrate
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need azithromycin dihydrate micronized
2022/3/9 21:33:08 Complaint Sildenafil
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Hello, this is Vivian, I am on 13000 chemicals on sale, your any inquiry will be highly appreciated! Whatsapp/Wechat:+8617327096639;Email:vivian@ycgmp.com
2018/9/12 16:12:12 Complaint Anakinra
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Dear sir, We would like having the price per gram for Anakinra. CAS:143090-92-0. Thank you! my e-mail address is wzhgaochuan@163.com
2014/10/11 16:50:46 Complaint Prostaglandin E2
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Dear sir, We would like having the price per gram for Dinoprostone. Thank you! my e-mail address is guanjingyang0601@163.com
2013/9/11 15:48:49 Complaint Prostaglandin E2
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Dear sir, We would like having the price per gram for Dinoprostone. Thank you! my e-mail address is guanjingyang0601@163.com
2013/9/11 15:48:49 Complaint benzatropine
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Dear sir, We would like having the price per gram for Benzatropine , CAS number 86-13-5. Thank you ! my e-mail adress is love521dz@yahoo.com.cn
2011/3/21 15:34:58 Complaint Lorcaserin hydrochloride
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Dear sir,
We would like having the price per gram for lorcaserin and lorcaserin hcl.
Thank you
2010/11/4 21:53:57 Complaint
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