Kanto Chemical Co., Inc. Evaluation of information list
Add New Evaluation Ammonium perchlorate
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Provided: Ammonium Perchlorate (CAS No:7790-98-9) Dangerous Goods International air transport, there is no export dual-use items license can be declared by the regular dangerous goods air Export. and
2019/2/15 11:11:44 Complaint 2,2'-Azobis(2-methylpropionitrile)
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Provided: 2,2 '-azobis (2-methylpropionitrile). (CAS No:78-67-1) Dangerous goods 2-8-degree cold chain freezer shipping service, Hong Kong shipping. Welcome to contact. Email:
2019/2/14 17:56:50 Complaint Ammonium perchlorate
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Hello! Our company provides international air transport medicine (liquid, powder) services, look forward to cooperation! E-mail:
2019/1/8 13:57:40 Complaint Lithium borohydride
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2015/10/22 17:11:54 Complaint Lithium borohydride
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2015/10/22 17:11:32 Complaint POTASSIUM ALUMINATE TRIHYDRATE
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Potassium Aluminate叫做鋁酸鉀,或叫偏鋁酸鉀,或叫做鋁酸鉀溶液,或叫做鋁鉀離子溶液
2012/4/1 18:06:54 Complaint Bisphenol A
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Good responce but high price
2011/7/1 14:25:53 Complaint (1R)-(+)-ALPHA-PINENE
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Service, poor attitude
2011/6/15 16:45:33 Complaint
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