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  •       我公司致力于腫瘤免疫藥研發(fā)臨床前CRO服務和科研轉化服務的國家高新技術企業(yè)。為全國客戶提供PDX腫瘤標本庫、原代ATCC細胞及其它源細胞、動物實驗、SCI潤色等產品和服務。 近年來我司已累計申報專利30件+,獲授權自主知識產權18件,發(fā)明專利已授權1件、實審3件、在申報3件。通過廣泛與中山大學、廣州中科院、廣州醫(yī)科大學,南方醫(yī)科大學等深度合作,建立產學研聯(lián)盟,為企業(yè)不斷輸送技術支持,奠定在同行業(yè)內的核心競爭力。 企業(yè)核心項目為“PDX模型、動物疾病模型及CRC原代細胞在抗腫瘤新藥研發(fā)、臨床個體化治療中的應用”,目前擁有各類細胞株/系近千株,PDX腫瘤異體移植活體標本庫近200個,各類動物疾病模型40多種,可滿足各類抗腫瘤新藥的篩選需求。 公司用于新冠研究的“一種SARS-CoV-2假病毒小鼠體內包裝系統(tǒng)及其制備方法”發(fā)明專利(已授權),更是國際上首個,無需P3級實驗室的新冠動物模型,對于新冠的疫苗開發(fā)和新藥研發(fā)有極高應用價值。 我們將繼續(xù)不斷進取,把新技術更好更快的向臨床轉化應用,讓科研成果更多的服務于社會大眾,推動生命健康領域的發(fā)展。
英文名稱 中文名稱 CAS號 操作
What kind of polishing for SCI papers sci論文潤色哪種 詳細
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SCI American Refinish Company sci美國潤色公司 詳細
Polishing of sci journals sci期刊的潤色 詳細
SCI journals allow for polishing sci期刊讓潤色 詳細
Will SCI journals still reject manuscripts for polishing sci期刊讓潤色還會退稿嗎 詳細
SCI journal polishing pel sci期刊潤色pel 詳細
SCI journal English polishing sci期刊英文潤色 詳細
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Sci paper translation polishing sci論文翻譯潤色 詳細
Polishing of SCI paper publication sci論文發(fā)表潤色 詳細
Do SCI papers really need polishing sci論文到底需要潤色嗎 詳細
Where to polish SCI papers sci論文潤色在哪里 詳細
How to charge for SCI paper polishing sci論文潤色怎么收費 詳細
SCI paper polishing online sci論文潤色在線 詳細
Who can I find to polish my SCI paper sci論文潤色找誰 詳細
SCI paper submission polishing sci論文投稿潤色 詳細
Perfect polishing of SCI papers sci論文完美潤色 詳細
A reliable organization for polishing SCI papers sci論文潤色靠譜的機構 詳細
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Which is good for polishing SCI papers sci論文潤色 哪家好 詳細
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What are the major companies that have polished SCI papers sci論文潤色大的公司哪些 詳細
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A company with well polished SCI papers sci論文潤色好的公司 詳細
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Recommendation of SCI paper polishing and translation institutions sci論文潤色翻譯機構推薦 詳細
How much is the polishing fee for SCI papers sci論文潤色多少錢 詳細
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SCI Publishing Institution sci發(fā)表機構 詳細
How to polish SCI sci如何潤色 詳細
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SCI paper polishing and editing translation company sci論文潤色修改翻譯公司 詳細
SCI paper polishing software sci論文潤色軟件 詳細
How much does it usually cost to polish a SCI paper sci論文潤色一般多少錢 詳細
Is it necessary to polish SCI papers sci論文潤色有必要嗎 詳細
Which is good for polishing SCI papers sci論文潤色哪個好 詳細
Which is better for polishing SCI papers sci論文潤色哪家比較好 詳細
Which company is more professional in polishing SCI papers sci論文潤色哪個公司比較專業(yè) 詳細
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SCI Translation and Polishing Company sci翻譯及潤色公司 詳細
SCI generation polishing sci代潤色 詳細
Recommended polishing institutions for SCI journals sci期刊推薦潤色機構 詳細
How to polish SCI journal papers sci期刊論文怎么潤色 詳細
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Where is the best way to polish SCI papers sci論文潤色哪里好 詳細
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Which is a good polishing company for SCI papers sci論文潤色公司哪個好 詳細
Recommendation from SCI paper polishing institutions sci論文潤色機構推薦 詳細
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SCI paper editing and polishing sci論文編輯潤色 詳細
How much is the polishing cost for SCI papers sci論文潤色大概多少錢 詳細
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A reliable company for polishing SCI papers sci論文潤色靠譜的公司 詳細
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Which is better for SCI paper or polishing sci論文和潤色哪個好 詳細
SCI's polishing service sci的潤色服務 詳細
SCI journal submission polishing sci期刊投稿潤色 詳細
SCI journal paper polishing sci期刊論文潤色 詳細
How much does it usually cost per minute for SCI paper polishing sci論文潤色一般多少錢一分鐘 詳細
產品總數(shù):9791 產品頁碼:
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98


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