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  • 產(chǎn)品總數(shù):8011
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  •       上海晶風(fēng)生物科技有限公司擁有一個蓬勃朝氣的年輕團隊,是一家面向生命科學(xué)領(lǐng)域,提供科研類試劑、耗材、儀器、技術(shù)服務(wù)的生物企業(yè)。包括分子生物學(xué)、免疫學(xué)、微生物學(xué)、細胞學(xué)等 。旗下?lián)碛小熬эL(fēng)生物”、“GTX” 品牌。通過公司各部門員工的共同努力在行業(yè)內(nèi)享有一定的聲譽,深得新老客戶厚愛。本著“服務(wù)、誠信、進取”的精神,堅持溝通你我,創(chuàng)新服務(wù),為國內(nèi)外廣大用戶提供產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。
英文名稱 中文名稱 CAS號 操作
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus New Jersey Serotype(VSV-NJ) 水泡性口炎病毒新澤西型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR劑盒 詳細
Group A Streptococcus (GAS)A組鏈球菌染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人線粒體DNA 染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人副流感病毒4A型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human Parainfluenza Virus 4A(HPIV-4A) 詳細
NA 水痘-帶狀皰疹病毒疫苗株染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Varicella-Zoster Virus(VZV) 詳細
Torque Teno Sus Virus Type 2 (TTSuV-2) 豬托克特諾病毒2型(豬細環(huán)病毒2型)染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Peanut-derived ingredient dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 花生源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Ophiocordyceps Sinensis 冬蟲夏草源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Lupin-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 羽扇豆源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Cod-derived ingredient dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 鱈魚源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Snake-derived component dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 蛇源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Bovine component dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 牛源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Duck Astrovirus (DAstV)鴨星狀病毒染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人類嗜T淋巴細胞病毒2型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human T-cell Lymphoma Virus 2(HTLV-2) 詳細
NA 人副流感病毒1型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human Parainfluenza Virus 1(HPIV-1) 詳細
NA 鰓霉屬染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Branchiomyce spp 詳細
Walnut-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 核桃源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Sesame-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 芝麻源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Buffalo-derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 水牛源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Ginseng derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 人參源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Tuna-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 金槍魚源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人Y染色體性別決定區(qū)(SRY)染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
HIV-1/HIV-2 雙重染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人博卡病毒染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Human Bocavirus 詳細
NA 人多瘤病毒7 染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Human Polyomavirus 7(HPyV7) 詳細
NA 肉芽腫鞘桿菌染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Calymmatobacterium granulomatis 詳細
NA 申克孢子細菌染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Sporothrix schenckii 詳細
Gluten-containing grain-derived dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 含麩質(zhì)谷物源性染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Mouse-derived component dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 小鼠源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Ostrich-derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 鴕鳥源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Group A β-hemolytic Streptococcus A組β溶血性鏈球菌(A組乙型溶血性鏈球菌)染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 棉花源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人副流感病毒4B型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human Parainfluenza Virus 4B(HPIV-4B) 詳細
NA 人皰疹病毒4型 染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Human Herpesvirus 4 (HHV-4,同EB) ) 詳細
Torque Teno Sus Virus Type 1 (TTSuV-1) 豬托克特諾病毒1型(豬細環(huán)病毒1型)染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Brazil nut derived ingredients dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 巴西果仁源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Fish-derived ingredient dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 魚源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Bear-derived ingredient dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 熊源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Goat-derived component dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 山羊源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Bird-derived component dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 鳥源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Classical Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus(C-PRRSV) 豬生殖與呼吸綜合癥病毒美洲型經(jīng)典株染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒 詳細
Chicken Astrovirus 雞星狀病毒染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人多瘤病毒6 染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Human Polyomavirus 6 (HPyV6) 詳細
NA 人副流感病毒2型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human Parainfluenza Virus 2(HPIV-2) 詳細
NA 三代蟲染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Gyrodactylus salaris 詳細
Yeast 酵母菌屬染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 68876-77-7 詳細
Duck Tambusu Virus 鴨坦布蘇病毒染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒 詳細
Pufferfish-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 河豚魚源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Indiana Serotype(VSV-IND) 水泡性口炎病毒印第安納型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒 詳細
Hazelnut derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 榛子源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Sheep-derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 羊源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Grouper derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 石斑魚源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Mustard-derived ingredient dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 芥末源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus(HP-PRRSV) 高致病豬生殖與呼吸綜合癥病毒美洲型變異株染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒 詳細
Canine Influenza Virus CIV 犬流感病毒染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Duck Astrovirus-1 鵝星狀病毒1型染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人類嗜T淋巴細胞病毒染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human T-cell Lymphoma Virus(HTLV) 詳細
NA 人多瘤病毒9 染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Human Polyomavirus 9 (HPyV9) 詳細
NA 薩比亞病毒染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Sabia Virus(SABV) 詳細
Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus 貓傳染性腹膜炎病毒(貓傳腹病毒)染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Feline Herpesvirus type 1 貓皰疹病毒1型染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Salmon-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 鮭魚源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Mouse Mitochondrial DNA Dye Method Fluorescence Quantitative PCR Kit 小鼠線粒體DNA染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Guinea pig derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 豚鼠源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 肺炎支原體/肺炎衣原體雙重染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 血球鏈菌染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Globicatella sanguinis 詳細
NA 人免疫缺陷病毒II型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2(HIV-2) 詳細
NA European Brown Hare Syndrome Virus(EBHSV)歐洲棕色野兔綜合癥病毒染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒 詳細
Porcine Transfusion Transmitted Virus 豬輸血傳播病毒染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Walnut derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 胡桃源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Almond-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 杏仁源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Image-derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 象源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Group B Streptococcus (GBS)B組鏈球菌染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人副流感病毒3型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human Parainfluenza Virus 3(HPIV-3) 詳細
NA 水痘-帶狀皰疹病毒野生株染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Varicella-Zoster Virus(VZV) 詳細
Hepatitis B Virus Pregenomic RNA 乙型肝炎病毒前基因組RNA 染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒 詳細
Karolinska Institute Polyomavirus KI多瘤病毒染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Yellow croaker derived ingredient dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 黃魚源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Animal-derived ingredient dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 動物源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Mammalian Component Dye-Based Fluorescence Quantitative PCR Kit 哺乳動物源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Duck-derived ingredient dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 鴨源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Musk Derived Component Dye Method Fluorescence Quantitative PCR Kit 麝源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Buckwheat derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 蕎麥源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Goose Astrovirus 鵝星狀病毒染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 人類嗜T淋巴細胞病毒1型染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human T-cell Lymphoma Virus 1(HTLV-1) 詳細
NA 人副流感病毒染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Human Parainfluenza Virus(HPIV) 詳細
NA 塞皮克病毒染料法熒光定量RT-PCR試劑盒Sepik Virus 詳細
Washington University Polyomavirus WU多瘤病毒染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Snail-derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 螺源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Pig-derived component dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 豬源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Wheat derived component dye method fluorescence quantitative PCR kit 小麥源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Rabbit-derived component dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 兔源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Pistachio-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 開心果源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 麻疹/風(fēng)疹雙重染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
NA 豬嗜血桿菌染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Haemophilus suis 詳細
NA 人皰疹病毒3型染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Human Herpesvirus 3 (HHV-3) 詳細
NA 溶血隱秘桿菌染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒Arcanobacterium haemolyticum 詳細
Carrot-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 胡蘿卜源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Crab-derived ingredient dye method fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 蟹源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
Shrimp-derived ingredient dye-based fluorescent quantitative PCR kit 蝦源性成分染料法熒光定量PCR試劑盒 詳細
產(chǎn)品總數(shù):8011 產(chǎn)品頁碼:
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81


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