
Beijing Solarbio Science & Tecnology Co., Ltd.??? ?? ??? ?????.

?? ?:Beijing Solarbio Science & Tecnology Co., Ltd.
URL: http://www.solarbio.com
? ?? ?:29764

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MarkerⅡ DNA Ladder
MarkerⅢ DNA Ladder
Universal primer T7 (10UM)
Universal primer T3 (10UM)
Universal Primer RANDOM (10UM)
Universal Primer SP6 (10UM)
Universal Primer 1492R (10UM)
Universal Primer ITS2 (10UM)
PEGFP-N3 mammalian cell expression vector
Universal Primer OLIGO T16 (10UM)
Universal Primer ITS4 (10UM)
PEGFP-N1 mammalian expression vector
Universal Primer ITS5 (10UM)
Universal primer ITS1 (10UM)
UREA-TBE PAGE Gel 10%, 15 wells
TBE PAGE Gel 10%, 15 wells
TBE PAGE Gel 5%, 15 wells
TBE PAGE Gel 15%, 10 wells
UREA-TBE PAGE Gel 5%, 15 wells
Universal Primer 27F (10UM)
UREA-TBE PAGE Gel 15%, 10 wells
ROX Reference Dye I
TBE PAGE Gel 15%, 15 wells
UREA-TBE PAGE Gel 10%, 10 wells
TBE PAGE Gel 10%, 10 wells
PEGFP-N2 fluorescent expression vector
UREA-TBE PAGE Gel 15%, 15 wells
10000*SOLARBLUE Nucleic Acid Dye
SF680R labeled phalloidin (far red)
UREA-TBE PAGE Gel 5%, 10 wells
SF488 labeled phalloidin (green)
frozen section embedding agent
SF633 labeled phalloidin (far red)
BCA reagent
Periodate Solution, 1%
12110-500ML DMEM(H)(no double antibody, high glucose)
TRITC Phalloidin
EDTA.2K anticoagulant (10×) (autoclaved)
RNasin Inhibitor (Ribonuclease Inhibitor))
CU reagent
SF594 labeled phalloidin (orange)
PGEX-6P-1 plasmid
Periodate Solution, 0.5%
Plasmocin treatment
1kb plus DNA Ladder
F-12 K Medium
Incubator Cleaner
BATHCLEANER water bath sterilizer
dNTPs Mix(25mM each)
DMEM (H) without sodium pyruvate
TBE PAGE Gel 5%, 10 wells
SF555 labeled phalloidin (orange-red)
Pfu PCR MasterMix,2×(with Bromophenol Blue)
SSPE,20× (pH 7.4)
Penetrant (TRITONX-100, weak)
2×Taqman PCR MasterMix
SYBR Green I(PCR,10000X)
Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (Ethanol precipitation)
Endotoxin Erasol(for DNA solution)
High-fidelity and fast DNA polymerase
Mycoplasma preventive agent
Taq PCR MasterMix,2× (with Bromophenol Blue)
PSET4S suicide knockout plasmid
Taq DNA PolymeraseT4 DNA ?????9012-90-2NULL
RNA Loading Buffer,2×(Denatured)
DNase/RNase-Free Water
DMEM/F-12 (containing glutamine, phenol red, and HEPES)
Permeabilizing agent (TRITONX-100, strong)
Triquick Reagent (Trizol Substitute)
Pfu DNA Polymerase
Taq Plus PCR MasterMix,2× (without Bromophenol Blue)
DL15000 DNA Ladder
Ethidium bromide solution(10000X)C21H20BrN3
F-12 (containing glutamine, phenol red, and no HEPES)
2×SYBR Green PCR Mastermix
RNA Loading Buffer,5×(Native)
dNTPs Mix(10mM each)
Ethidium bromide erasol
Sterile deionized water (PCR grade)
Penetrant (SAPONIN)
Acryl Carrier
Pfu PCR MasterMix,2×(without Bromophenol Blue)
MarkerⅠDNA Ladder
Taq Plus PCR MasterMix,2× (with Bromophenol Blue)
D2000 plus DNA Ladder
Taq Plus DNA Polymerase
Solid phase RNase-Be-Gone
2×TAQ PCR MASTERMIX (without dye)
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