
Beijing Solarbio Science & Tecnology Co., Ltd.

Firmenname:Beijing Solarbio Science & Tecnology Co., Ltd.
URL: http://www.solarbio.com
Produkte insgesamt:29763


10×TBE buffer (powder)
50bp DNA Ladder
Hepatobiliary pigment staining solution (modified FOUCHET method)
Antigen Retrieval Solution,1×(for IHC)
D-PBS tablets, Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (without calcium and magnesium)
Sodium Borate Solution (Reagent C2)
Trypsin Digestion solutions,0.25% (with phenol red)
Sodium deoxycholate solution (10%, PH8.0)
SolarFast Protein Staining Buffer
Calcium chloride solution (1MOL/L)CaCl2
NP-40 Lysis Buffer
SDS Lysis Buffer
1kb DNA Ladder
Crystal violet aqueous solution (0.5%)
TOP10 receptor
SSC,20× (pH 5.3)
Elastic fiber dyeing liquid (lichen red method)
Safranin O-Fast Green Stain (Plant Stain)
12% SDS-PAGE separation gel premix
5% SDS-PAGE stacking gel premix
Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) Differentiation Solution
Mast cell staining solution (aldehyde magenta - orange yellow G method)
Salmon sperm DNA 10MG/ML
10000*SOLARRED nucleic acid dye
5×TRIS-Glycine Electrophoresis Buffer (Powder)
6% SDS-PAGE separation gel premix
1×TE buffer (powder)
Formalin Fixative, 10%
Adenosine triphosphate solution (ATP, 10MMOL/L)C10H16N5O13P3
Sperm Counting Solution(with Trypan Blue)
SSC,20× (pH 7.4)
Phenol basic fuchsin solution (5%/0.5%)
Crystal violet aqueous solution (1%)
100bp plus DNA Ladder
2*CTAB extraction buffer
Membrane regeneration solution (strong)
Silver hexaamine stock solution (reagent C1)
Amino black 10B staining solution (0.5%)
10× electrophoresis transfer buffer (transfer buffer) (powder)
3M Sodium acetate, pH 5.2
D2000 DNA Ladder
Alkaline reddish ethanol saturated solution
Sodium lactateNatriumlactat72-17-3C3H5NaO3
10×TBS buffer (powder)
15% SDS-PAGE separation gel premix
Calcium chloride solution (1MOL/L, sterile)CaCl2
Ringer's Buffer, For Animal
Amino Black 10B Dyeing Rinse
Spore staining solution (SCHARFFER-FULTON method)
Modified GRAM-WEIGERT Gram stain (aniline crystal violet method)
Citrate Decalcification SolutionC6H5O7-3
Neutral Red Stain solution,0.1%
PBS,1× (pH7.2-7.4,0.01M,cell culture)
Customized solution (special custom)
Green fluorescent nucleic acid dye (10000×)
50×TAE powder
GIEMSASTAIN Rapid Giemsa Staining Solution
BL21(DE3)PLYSS receptor bacteria
JM109 receptor
SYBR Green I(10000×)
Nissl staining solution (toluidine blue method)
10% SDS-PAGE separation gel premix
10×TBST buffer (powder)
Puc19 plasmid9007-49-2C15H31N3O13P2
Mast cell staining solution (Alixin blue sand yellow method)
HID staining solution (reagent A)
DH5Α receptor
Blue liquid
10000×SOLARGREEN Nucleic Acid Dye
40% (29:1) glue making solution
BL21 (DE3) receptor bacteria
PC-300 Liquid Biopreservative
TESCA BUFFER/TESCA buffer (PH7.4, sterile)
Animal tissue DNA preservation solution
Artificial blood/simulated blood
Amino Black 10B Staining and Decolorizing Solution
1×TAE buffer (powder)
Membrane regeneration solution (medium)
Gelatin aqueous solution (1%, sterile)
Carbolic acid aqueous solution (5%)
Tris-EDTA Antigen Retrieval Solution(10x,pH9.0)
8% SDS-PAGE separation gel premix
1×TRIS-Glycine Electrophoresis Buffer (Powder)
TRIS-EDTA antigen retrieval solution (1×) PH 9.0
GoldView II Nuclear Staining Dyes(5000×)
Laboratory Animal Labeling Fluid (Purple)
Victoria Blue Stain Solution
Phosphate buffer containing Tween 20 (PBS-T tablets)
SSC,20× (pH 7.0)
1×TBST buffer (powder)
Eosin staining solution (alcoholic solution) 0.5%
1× electrophoresis transfer buffer (transfer buffer) (powder)
1×TBE buffer (powder)
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