
Hejian City Lanxing Chemical Co.,Ltd??? ?? ??? ?????.

?? ?:Hejian City Lanxing Chemical Co.,Ltd
??:0086-317-3815018 3813333
URL: www.lanxinghuagong.com
? ?? ?:115
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Cross-linking agent
Sterilization AX-308
AX-324 corrosion inhibitor
Non-stop cleaning agent AX-503
Pickling inhibitor,multipurpose
Boiler scale inhibitor AX-401
Blocking remover
High efficiency separating agent
Heavy oil extraction viscosity reducer
Active agent
Boiler scale and corrosion inhibitor AX-402
Coal-saving combustion-supporting sulfur removal agent AX-105
Antiscale and inhibitor
Liquid detergent
Boiler scale inhibitor
Dust remover
Passivation agent AX-205
Antiscale dispersantC7H6O5
Grease cleaning agent
Corrosion and corrosion inhibitor AX-602
Boiler oxygen scavenger
Active bromine fungicide
Penetrant AX-204
Water purification flocculant
Filth remover
Corrosion and corrosion inhibitor AX-323
Bacterial slime stripper AX-371
Multi-functional oil-based anti-wax agent AX-218
Ferric ion stabilizer
Water treatment disinfectant
Prefilming inhibitor
Boiler cleaning agent AX-102
Dispersant AX-603
Highly efficient separating agent AX-209SAF
Rust remover
High efficiency plugging agent AX-215
Scale inhibitor and dispersant HPMA
Sulfur removal agent
Reverse osmosis scale inhibitor AX-501
Boiler maintenance color change agent
Liquid detergent AX-202
Clay anti-swelling agent
Boiler oxygen scavenger AX-306
Reverse osmosis sterilization algaecide AX-502
Petrochemical additives
Low temperature activator AX-LD
Pre-film corrosion inhibitor AX-316
Economizer combustion sulfur removal agent
Oil boiler cleaner
Active bromine fungicide AX-311
Scale inhibitor and dispersant AX-341
Differentiation agent
Toilet detergent
Non-stop cleaning agent
Bactericidal algaecide AX-309
Differentiation agent AX-210MCO
Organic Boron Crosslinker
Toilet detergent AX-208
Boiler dedusting agent
Coal-fired boiler desulfurizer AX-106
Water purification flocculants AX-360
Water shutoff profile control agent
Low temperature activator
Metal grease cleaning agent
Metal grease cleaning agent AX-206
Bacterial slime stripper
Demulsifier AX-LP
Scale inhibitor and dispersant AX-343
Boiler shutdown maintenance agent AX-302
Active agent AX-213
Fungicide AX-601
Multifunctional clay anti-swelling agent
Deep profiler
Rust remover AX-207
Multifunctional clay anti-swelling agent AX-214
Multi-functional oil-based anti-wax agent
Water purification flocculant AX-361
High efficiency deemulsifier
Corrosion and corrosion inhibitor AX-322
Coal-fired boiler desulfurizer
Boiler decoking and slag removing agent AX-101
Petroleum deemulsifier
Ferric ion stabilizer AX-LW
Oil-fired boiler cleaning agent AX-103
Reverse osmosis sterilization algaecide
Efficient deep profile control agent AX-219
Demulsifier AX-609
Defoamer AX-380
Boiler shutdown protection agent AX-301
Separating agent
High efficiency detergent
High efficiency detergent AX-201
Bactericidal algaecide AX-310
Reverse osmosis scale inhibitor
AX-315 corrosion inhibitor
Boiler maintenance color change agent AX-304
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