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ApexBio Technology LLC Company Information

Company Name:    ApexBio Technology LLC
Tel:    +1-832-696-8203
Email:    info@apexbt.com
Nationality:    United States
WebSite:    www.apexbt.com
Product List:    477
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Product List
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit 3 gaMMa (242-250) [HoMo sapiens]/[Rattus norvegicus]
Fas C- TerMinal Tripeptide 189109-90-8
Fenbendazole 43210-67-9
ferritin heavy chain fragMent [Multiple species]
FLAG tag Peptide 98849-88-8
Fusion glycoprotein (92-106) [HuMan respiratory syncytial virus]
G protein coupled receptor [HoMo sapiens]
Gap 26 197250-15-0
Gap 27 198284-64-9
GGACK Dihydrochloride
Glucagon (19-29), huMan 64790-15-4
Glycoprotein B (485-492)
GnRH Associated Peptide (GAP) (1-13), huMan 100111-07-7
Growth HorMone (1-43), huMan
GTP binding protein 1 fragMent [Multiple species]
GTP-Binding Protein FragMent, G alpha
HBcAg [Hepatitis B virus] (18-27)
heMagglutinin (332-340) [Influenza A virus]
heMagglutinin precursor(114-122) aMide [Influenza A virus]
heparin cofactor II precursor (SERPIND1) fragMent [HoMo sapiens]
heparin cofactor II precursor fragMent [HoMo sapiens]
Hepatitis C virus
Hexa His tag peptide
IgG light chain variable region [HoMo sapiens]/IgM/kappa antibody [Mus Musculus]
iMMunoglobulin light chain variable region fragMent [HoMo sapiens]
iMMunoglobulin light chain variable region fragMent [HoMo sapiens]/[Mus Musculus]
IMMunoglobulin M heavy chain (IGHM) fragMent [HoMo sapiens]
iMMunoglobulin single chain variable fragMent acetyl
Influenza A virus fragMent
Influenza HeMagglutinin (HA) Peptide 92000-76-5
Insulin like growth factor II fragMent variant
Interleukin II (60-70)
Iodoacetyl-LC-Biotin 93285-75-7
Lactacystin (Synthetic) 133343-34-7
LaMin fragMent
LaMinin (925-933) 110590-60-8
Large T antigen - rhesus polyoMavirus 560-568
LEP (116-130) (Mouse) 258276-95-8
Leupeptin, Microbial 103476-89-7
-Lipotropin (1-10), porcine 77875-68-4
LoMeguatrib 192441-08-0
Lopinavir 192725-17-0
MAP kinase fragMent [Multiple species]
Matrix protein (3-15) [Zaire ebolavirus]
Melanocyte stiMulating horMone release inhibiting factor 2002-44-0
MG-115 133407-86-0
MG-132 133407-82-6
MHC class II antigen (45-57) [HoMo sapiens]
Myelin Basic Protein (68-82), guinea pig 98474-59-0
Myelin Basic Protein (87-99) 118506-26-6
Myelopeptide-2 (MP-2)
NafaMostat Mesylate(FUT-175) 82956-11-4
NHS-Biotin 35013-72-0
NHS-LC-Biotin 72040-63-2
NHS-SS-Biotin 142439-92-7
Nitric Oxide Synthase (599-613) Blocking Peptide, Bovine Endothelial Cell
ovalbuMin (324-338) [Gallus gallus]/[Coturnix coturnix]
p53 tuMor suppressor fragMent
Papain Inhibitor 70195-20-9
Parathyroid horMone (1-34) (huMan) 52232-67-4
Parathyroid HorMone (1-34), bovine 12583-68-5
parathyroid horMone (7-34) [HoMo sapiens]/[Macaca fascicularis]
Pepstatin A 26305-03-3
Peptide YY(3-36), PYY, huMan 123583-37-9
PKA inhibitor fragMent (6-22) aMide 121932-06-7
PKC (19-36) 113731-96-7
Platelet MeMbrane Glycoprotein IIB Peptide (296-306)
PMSF 329-98-6
PPACK Dihydrochloride 142036-63-3
Pro-AdrenoMedullin (153-185), huMan
prostate apoptosis response protein PAR-4 (2-7) [HoMo sapiens]
BortezoMib (PS-341, LDP-341, MLM341) 179324-69-7
PSI 158442-41-2
Q-VD-OPh hydrate 1135695-98-5
Rac GTPase fragMent
RG 108 48208-26-0
Rhodopsin peptide
RibosoMal protein L3 peptide (202-222) aMide
S Tag Peptide 7429-70-1
S6 Kinase Substrate Peptide 32
Secretin (huMan) 108153-74-8
signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (322-343) acetyl/aMide
signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 fragMent
Sulfo-NHS-Biotin 119616-38-5
Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin 127062-22-0
Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin 325143-98-4
surface antigen (208-215) [Hepatitis B Virus]
T7 Tag Peptide
ThroMbin Receptor Activator for Peptide 5 (TRAP-5) 141685-53-2
transferrin fragMent
TRH Precursor Peptide
tuMor protein p53 binding protein fragMent [HoMo sapiens]/[Mus Musculus]
type I hair keratin fragMent [HoMo sapiens]/[Ovis aries]/[Rattus norvegicus]
UNC0638 1255580-76-7
V5 Epitope Tag Peptide
ubiquitin specific protease 3 fragMent
type II collagen fragMent
survivin (baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 5) (21-28)
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